Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

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Sounds like you have been watching to many movies....

FYI carrying an AK is legal in most of the US an some actually do. ARs are more popular though cause there is a pistol version.

There is no reasonable need to carry a weapon like that. They belong in the land of movie fiction and nut cases.
Thank you Q9, for putting words into my mouth....I never said everyone would have been completely helpless

What I said is we don't know how anyone with a gun would have reacted, we don't know how the shooter would have reacted to being fired at (after all, a loud movie was no distraction), we don't know. Anything else is speculation.

It was a loud movie, then there was gas/smoke and an armed gunman...and people died.

As for credible report says the gunman reloaded. They say he started with the shotgun, switched to the AR-15 (which according to reports had a 100 round magazine) and when that jammed switched guns again.

Saying the results would have been different if better armed, more courageous people had been there undermines the horror, loss and terror of the situation. It turns a tragedy into a game for arm chair quarterbacks. Speculating about what could have gone differently is not productive. In my opinion, speculation is also disrespectful to those who died, and to those who fought to survive and see their loved ones again.

In glorifying the shooter, and focusing on him, his guns, and how perfectly brave we all could have been, we make this a platform for whatever demented motive he had.

Absolutely spot on. The disrespect being shown by the wannabe heroes to those actually there is truly gob smacking.
I want this killer on trial. The families deserve justice that is meted out by a civilized nation - not the "justice" of an OK Corral type of mentality. I hope we've not descended that far into vigilantism.

Come on..."People like you?" I thought this was also a nation of free speech. It's okay to have different perspectives (or at least I thought it was). I will never own a gun or shoot someone PERIOD! That's what my belief system is and that's my right no matter what someone else may think of that stance.

Another good and reasonable post. Why do the Gun Waving Boys (GWBs) get so angry and stroppy when someone expresses a view different from their own?

I'm not sure that vigilantism is the issue. I think that some have progressed only from the Lone Ranger to Rambo and no further.

We haven't heard from any lady gun swingers, have we? Perhaps there aren't any. I sometimes think that civilian gun toters are similar to Porsche 911 owners. They are trying to make of for something lacking in the gentlemen's parts department.
We live in a nation with a military complex and we never know when we will force a nation to far and they will react badly to it.

Well, I can see your point about that! However, I believe that you have an army, navy and air force to take care of attacks from elsewhere. You won't convince me that people walk around carrying weapons in case the Chinese land without being spotted by government forces. They do it because it boosts their flagging self-esteem.
My heart is with the families of those who died, and with those who were injured and with their families. My heart also goes out to the family of the shooter.
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