Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

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What I don't understand is how a guy walks into a movie theater wearing all black, a gas mask, an assult rifle, shotgun, pistol and no one notices that? Did he change inside the bathroom or somthing?
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Thank you Q9, for putting words into my mouth....I never said everyone would have been completely helpless

What I said is we don't know how anyone with a gun would have reacted, we don't know how the shooter would have reacted to being fired at (after all, a loud movie was no distraction), we don't know. Anything else is speculation.

It was a loud movie, then there was gas/smoke and an armed gunman...and people died.

As for credible report says the gunman reloaded. They say he started with the shotgun, switched to the AR-15 (which according to reports had a 100 round magazine) and when that jammed switched guns again.

Saying the results would have been different if better armed, more courageous people had been there undermines the horror, loss and terror of the situation. It turns a tragedy into a game for arm chair quarterbacks. Speculating about what could have gone differently is not productive. In my opinion, speculation is also disrespectful to those who died, and to those who fought to survive and see their loved ones again.

In glorifying the shooter, and focusing on him, his guns, and how perfectly brave we all could have been, we make this a platform for whatever demented motive he had.
People have been known to return fire AFTER being wounded. You are right in nobody really knows what they would do but I assure you something would have came to mind if I had a sidearm... exactly what is speculation.
We haven't heard from any lady gun swingers, have we? Perhaps there aren't any. I sometimes think that civilian gun toters are similar to Porsche 911 owners. They are trying to make of for something lacking in the gentlemen's parts department.

I wouldn't call myself a gun swinger. But I can tell you that I am a HUGE supporter of Concealed Carry and actually sleep a lot better knowing that my neighbors are as well. And if my child had been in the theater I can tell you with 1000% certainty that I would rather a "vigilante" shot the gunman than for me to need justice from the courts.

When my oldest was appox 5 years old, there was a news story about a child being abducted from her grandmother's front yard. Witnesses said that the girl was kicking and screaming for help but there was no one close enough to stop him. The grandmother ran out as the car pulled away. At that moment I knew that I could, without hesitation, shoot another human being.

My family has always owned guns but were not "concealed carry" holders. We did always keep a loaded weapon since we knew that we would have about an hours wait for the police if something were to happen. It wasn't until my husband became a cop that he pushed for concealed permits for us. I actually haven't met many policemen who DON'T support concealed carry. The vast majority think that it is just common sense and a few who believe that it should be mandatory for all law-abiding citizens.

And, no, there is no way to know if anyone would have been able to stop him if there HAD been a weapon holder there. If you haven't practiced or role-played the scenario then you have no way to know if you would freeze. I know some cops who have frozen when faced with someone with a gun so I don't doubt that an average citizen could be paralyzed in this type of situation. However, I can tell you that I don't know any concealed carry people who are walking around every day waiting for a chance to pull their weapon. Like most soldiers/police officers/etc, they would much rather that they never need it.

And I don't see how saying that "perhaps if there had been another armed person in the crowd that he might have been stopped" is disrespectful to the memory of those who died? HOW?????? It would similar to an intersection with no stop sign. There is an accident and someone dies. Is it disrespectful to say "we should put up a traffic sign"? Of course not.
What I don't understand is how a guy walks into a movie theater wearing all black, a gas mask, an assult rifle, shotgun, pistol and no one notices that? Did he change inside the bathroom or somthing?
It is called a "false sense of security" kind of like thinking only cops should have weapons... they can not always be in the place needed. Think of this... if the movie theater had an armed guard at the door and the next movie theater had an un-armed guard which do you suppose would be entered by the guy. Or better yet a sign saying CC welcome.
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I'm one of those crazy people that believe in total gun control.

You need to shoot what you aim at. No warning shots. And you
need enough power to get the job done.

I support concealed carry. Shucks, I support "carry".
I want one !

Everyone wishes this would not have played out the way it did, that he could have been caught before he got his arsenal and went on this deadly quest. Everyone that has a CC wants to think if, they were there - lives would have been saved but we will never know. What we do know is there Was hero's there! They protected their loved ones by shielding them and some gave their life! We need to honor these people! We need to send our prayers to the families and friends of the victims.

As for how he paid for all the stuff? I heard on the news tonight that he got 26K a year from grants for living expenses. WTH if this is true ? Why didn't any Red Flags go up? He used a credit card?
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What I don't understand is how a guy walks into a movie theater wearing all black, a gas mask, an assult rifle, shotgun, pistol and no one notices that? Did he change inside the bathroom or somthing?

He parked his car at the back of the theater, went in with regular clothes and bought a ticket, and sat in the theater for a short time. He then left, propping the emergency exit open while he went to gear up, then came back in. When he reentered, the massacre began.
He wasn't carrying any of his weapons or gear when he entered the theater. He looked like a regular movie goer seeing the midnight premier if a highly anticipated movie.
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