Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

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Bloomberg is on TV with Pears Morgan asking LEOs to go on strike till we ban guns...
Ahem, Really? I stopped four poachers from taking game illegally on a private game reserve with such a weapon. I'll tell you this much, I'm sure glad I had it. There's a good chance if I didn't, I wouldn't be posting this.

What gun did you use to threaten people who wanted to steal animals? What guns did they carry?
People have been known to return fire AFTER being wounded. You are right in nobody really knows what they would do but I assure you something would have came to mind if I had a sidearm... exactly what is speculation.

Pinch yourself, chap, you might be dreaming.
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ThaiTurkey, since you inquired about female gun owners in the US:
Some women in the book work in law enforcement. Some work on ranches. Some relish the thrill of hunting birds or big game. Some are accomplished competition shooters. Some are fiercely concerned about protection and self-defense. Some have guns that have been passed down in their families for generations and have become cherished heirlooms.
That article is from last year.

Plenty of women own and use guns. They may not be as vocal about gun rights as some men are, but that doesn't mean women shy away from gun use. There have even been several specialized undergarments made specifically for women to conceal carry.

If you want a giggle, Google 'Hello Kitty AR-15'.
I wouldn't call myself a gun swinger. But I can tell you that I am a HUGE supporter of Concealed Carry and actually sleep a lot better knowing that my neighbors are as well. And if my child had been in the theater I can tell you with 1000% certainty that I would rather a "vigilante" shot the gunman than for me to need justice from the courts.

When my oldest was appox 5 years old, there was a news story about a child being abducted from her grandmother's front yard. Witnesses said that the girl was kicking and screaming for help but there was no one close enough to stop him. The grandmother ran out as the car pulled away. At that moment I knew that I could, without hesitation, shoot another human being.

My family has always owned guns but were not "concealed carry" holders. We did always keep a loaded weapon since we knew that we would have about an hours wait for the police if something were to happen. It wasn't until my husband became a cop that he pushed for concealed permits for us. I actually haven't met many policemen who DON'T support concealed carry. The vast majority think that it is just common sense and a few who believe that it should be mandatory for all law-abiding citizens.

And, no, there is no way to know if anyone would have been able to stop him if there HAD been a weapon holder there. If you haven't practiced or role-played the scenario then you have no way to know if you would freeze. I know some cops who have frozen when faced with someone with a gun so I don't doubt that an average citizen could be paralyzed in this type of situation. However, I can tell you that I don't know any concealed carry people who are walking around every day waiting for a chance to pull their weapon. Like most soldiers/police officers/etc, they would much rather that they never need it.

And I don't see how saying that "perhaps if there had been another armed person in the crowd that he might have been stopped" is disrespectful to the memory of those who died? HOW?????? It would similar to an intersection with no stop sign. There is an accident and someone dies. Is it disrespectful to say "we should put up a traffic sign"? Of course not.

What I see as disrespectful is the orgy of speculation by the fantasists as to how they would have saved the world by shooting the guy.
ThaiTurkey, since you inquired about female gun owners in the US:
That article is from last year.

Plenty of women own and use guns. They may not be as vocal about gun rights as some men are, but that doesn't mean women shy away from gun use. There have even been several specialized undergarments made specifically for women to conceal carry.

If you want a giggle, Google 'Hello Kitty AR-15'.

I'd better keep my hands to myself in future in case one of them goes off!

What I see as disrespectful is the orgy of speculation by the fantasists as to how they would have saved the world by shooting the guy.

I don't see a lot of people saying "I would have saved the day if I was there" I do see a lot of people saying "If someone (anyone) had had a method of stopping him, then 12 people might not have died." And there are plenty of previous news accounts to back up that idea.
I'm not against guns I just think we should better screen who owns them. For instance: if you know more about skinning possums than you do algebra you probably shouldn't be allowed to have one.
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