Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

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I will ask him. He has 8 children 5 of which are in Thailand 3 here. He has been back twice and he said he paid about 1000.00 in fees the last time he was there for 4 weeks. 50.00 a day car rental and 2 or 3 bucks every time to park and he said if you do not pay the police will follow you until you pay them.

I can understand why the police would not want the people armed.

If you attempt to pay a cop here you get arrested for bribery.

He is a retired machinist and is my contact for selling all my cull chickens. He speaks all the oriental languages and provides chickens to most of the asian community in Portland and Seattle.

He did tell me that one of his kids is going to medical school in Vietnam because it is about 5,000.00 a year there and about 25,000.00 in Thailand.

He has not been shot in a movie theater but did say the crooks are the cops.

The currency he's using when taking to you is US$, right? Either he's hogwashing you or he's a raving looney on the roads.

$1,000 is about THB30,000. So he's running up 'fees' in four weeks that are more than the more than the average monthly wages for many Thais. I don't see how it's possible. Perhaps he's being stopped for DUI. I haven't been fined at the roadside, or anywhere else come to that, for three years and I spend more time here than does your friend.

You can rent a car for about $33 per day or less. Doesn't his family have a car for him to use?

The only time I ever pay for parking is when I use the temple grounds in our local town. That's about 30 cents US. Street side parking is free and no parking strips are clearly marked. That's so pleasant after the parking restrictions in the UK.

I've no idea about medical school but Vietnam may well be cheaper. The fees for Thai medical school that he quotes seem very high to me, using standard university fees as a guide. Both countries are in the ASEAN region so there will be much more cross trade and training and education in the future.

Where did you get the idea that the Thai police control the gun laws? There involvement is to check the background of applicants for licences. Central government makes the laws. I do know that US cops don't like to be seen to be taking a bribe. I've never offered a bribe here so I don't know what would be the reaction. For certain, I wouldn't be shot!

A retired machinist who speaks all of the Asian languages!!! He's some rare gem indeed. He should have had a much better job than machinist and he didn't learn his languages in a factory. If I knew which town in Thailand he came from I'd have a better idea of what breed of hog he's been washing.

Anyway, chappie, all very fascinating but what's all this got to do with you rootin' tootin' gunslingers justifying carrying popguns into a cinema to protect other people's kids who should be in bed?
A very good point, though separate from the issue of the massacre.
I would say that the act of the massacre, the picking of the venue, the preparation and the booby trapping of the apartment were all a culmination of the lieniency of societal norms in the last 20 years or more. The truth is, we've been making folk heros out of mentally deranged outcasts since the invention of the six shooter....Who needs six bullets to kill someone? Or even farther back than that....As a kid, it was more fun to play the pirate than the good guy.

With the total immersion some of these young people experience in violent video games and role playing, I don't think that we should put the final act in some little box and blame it on the access to any given weapon system.....As I said, earlier, there are a thousand scenarios which could cause the crowd to panic, without the perpetrator actually being the direct cause of a single death....Never yell fire in a crowded theatre, comes to mind.
I would say that the act of the massacre, the picking of the venue, the preparation and the booby trapping of the apartment were all a culmination of the lieniency of societal norms in the last 20 years or more. The truth is, we've been making folk heros out of mentally deranged outcasts since the invention of the six shooter....Who needs six bullets to kill someone? Or even farther back than that....As a kid, it was more fun to play the pirate than the good guy. ETA: Come to think of it, we even glorify the bad guy in our choice of liquor...I've never seen Lord Nelson Rum on the shelf, but Captain Morgan is a suave swashbuckler.

With the total immersion some of these young people experience in violent video games and role playing, I don't think that we should put the final act in some little box and blame it on the access to any given weapon system.....As I said, earlier, there are a thousand scenarios which could cause the crowd to panic, without the perpetrator actually being the direct cause of a single death....Never yell fire in a crowded theatre, comes to mind.
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I would say that the act of the massacre, the picking of the venue, the preparation and the booby trapping of the apartment were all a culmination of the lieniency of societal norms in the last 20 years or more. The truth is, we've been making folk heros out of mentally deranged outcasts since the invention of the six shooter....Who needs six bullets to kill someone? Or even farther back than that....As a kid, it was more fun to play the pirate than the good guy.

With the total immersion some of these young people experience in violent video games and role playing, I don't think that we should put the final act in some little box and blame it on the access to any given weapon system.....As I said, earlier, there are a thousand scenarios which could cause the crowd to panic, without the perpetrator actually being the direct cause of a single death....Never yell fire in a crowded theatre, comes to mind.

Quite so!
The currency he's using when taking to you is US$, right? Either he's hogwashing you or he's a raving looney on the roads.

$1,000 is about THB30,000. So he's running up 'fees' in four weeks that are more than the more than the average monthly wages for many Thais. I don't see how it's possible. Perhaps he's being stopped for DUI. I haven't been fined at the roadside, or anywhere else come to that, for three years and I spend more time here than does your friend.

You can rent a car for about $33 per day or less. Doesn't his family have a car for him to use?

The only time I ever pay for parking is when I use the temple grounds in our local town. That's about 30 cents US. Street side parking is free and no parking strips are clearly marked. That's so pleasant after the parking restrictions in the UK.

I've no idea about medical school but Vietnam may well be cheaper. The fees for Thai medical school that he quotes seem very high to me, using standard university fees as a guide. Both countries are in the ASEAN region so there will be much more cross trade and training and education in the future.

Where did you get the idea that the Thai police control the gun laws? There involvement is to check the background of applicants for licences. Central government makes the laws. I do know that US cops don't like to be seen to be taking a bribe. I've never offered a bribe here so I don't know what would be the reaction. For certain, I wouldn't be shot!

A retired machinist who speaks all of the Asian languages!!! He's some rare gem indeed. He should have had a much better job than machinist and he didn't learn his languages in a factory. If I knew which town in Thailand he came from I'd have a better idea of what breed of hog he's been washing.

Anyway, chappie, all very fascinating but what's all this got to do with you rootin' tootin' gunslingers justifying carrying popguns into a cinema to protect other people's kids who should be in bed?
Cultural differences my freind, cultural differences... Do they have cinemas there? just kidding. The vast population in most southeast asian countries (except foriengers) live in an environment that owning a gun is not a right but a privelage and I think that is why you have a hard time understanding the gun culture in America... it is a right like unto no other, as important to most Americans as our first amendment afterall it is our second not third or fourth but the 2nd Amendment. Think about why it is there for a moment forgetting your bias against it.

You may not like guns but they are indeed a deterrent to crime... why do you suppose the police carry them? (except the "bobbies of course).
Cultural differences my freind, cultural differences... Do they have cinemas there? just kidding. The vast population in most southeast asian countries (except foriengers) live in an environment that owning a gun is not a right but a privelage and I think that is why you have a hard time understanding the gun culture in America... it is a right like unto no other, as important to most Americans as our first amendment afterall it is our second not third or fourth but the 2nd Amendment. Think about why it is there for a moment forgetting your bias against it.

You may not like guns but they are indeed a deterrent to crime... why do you suppose the police carry them? (except the "bobbies of course).

I'm beginning to understand the gun culture rather well. Its a sad reflection on a society that wishes to regard itself as civilised and goes some way to explaining the indifference with which its supporters view the murder of innocent children in places like Afghanistan.

I look forward to reading more about your multi-talented, retired machinist/linguist friend who seems to have problems with the law when he visits his home country.
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