Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

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Why is it the right thing to do?

The theater didn't cause this tragedy. They didn't buy the ammo, point the gun and shoot it. The had the very bad luck to be the place where it happened. Should the government have paid for the funerals of the Ft. Hood victims, after all they didn't stop someone who was acting strange for a long period of time? Should the school in Columbine have paid for the funerals?

Maybe the city of Aurora should pay, they permitted the theater company to build.

Or are you just saying this because WB and the theater company have deep pockets?

Next time you drive by or are in a car crash an you see the firemen working to save lives remember they didn't cause that tragedy ether, they are there cause its the right thing to do. Most are paying out of pocket to help.

The theater chain an WB made millions that weekend. Jury's will decide if they are liable for anything. Paying for funerals an medical bills of there fans is just the right thing to do.

Columbine, the family's of the boys payed for them. Ft hood, the government did pay for them. VT the college did pay for them.
I know the Ft. Hood funerals were paid for by the government, as the victims were considered killed in duty.

The movie theater has no moral responsibility to pay for the funerals. It could have as easily been somewhere else.

It was through no error on their part, no mis-judgement, no action on their part that this happened. If they had any responsibility for what happened, then it would be the right (moral, ethical) thing to do. In this context, I don't understand why it would be considered the "right" thing to do.

It would be gracious, it would be kind, it would be thoughtful...right I'm just not sure about.
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If the theater had working alarms on the Exit doors in theater 9 - This shooter would not have been able to get the assault weapons in that theater. Yes he would have been able to sneek some in but not all.
If the theater had working alarms on the Exit doors in theater 9 - This shooter would not have been able to get the assault weapons in that theater. Yes he would have been able to sneek some in but not all.
May not be a place that has alarms. Never seen a requirement for exit signs to ave an alarm.
It is the theater's insurance company that most likely will be sued anyhow in addition to the theater. Trial lawyers...
In fact the theater is already being sued for the reason of not having alarms on the exit. A friend of a guy who was killed at the shooting is pursuing the law suit.
WB has PLENTY of money... i feel that they should step up and help these families.
Why should they step in just because they have deep pockets?

Why should it be WB who pays, not Gander Mountain, or other companies that supplied guns and ammo? I'm sure they have deep pockets too.

Why not the U of C, that is where he worked and studied?

Why does the theater or the movie producer somehow have a higher moral obligation than anyone else?

I just don't understand this. If someone I didn't know came onto my property, and used it a platform to kill someone, why would I be morally obligated to the victims family. Even if I was having a garage sale or something that attracted people to my home, it still would have done nothing that made me responsible for the wack job's actions. How is it different for WB or the theater? This is like saying Jodi Foster was morally responsible for Reagan's shooting.
It would be noble of WB or whoever was near the shooting to anty up but nobody is obligated to pay anything but the shooter's debt to society.

Maybe the company that makes and sells the popcorn to the cinema should pay also... not really.
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