Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

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Ok back on topic I found this on Facebook.


Obviously a joke!
I know a couple of businesses that encourage concealed carry. I don't believe that they have a sign posted but I have seen those signs for sale.

I've also seen this sign

Actually, no. Its a real sign I have seen posted on businesses.

Like these.

I have seen signs like this on game rooms to gun stores to banks. Most businesses in the US have this policy or no policy at all but posting a sign saying it is ok is not that usual. Starbucks is the most well known of these companies that refuse to ban guns but walmart/sams club, our biggest store chain is also part of the group.
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Actually, no. Its a real sign I have seen posted on businesses.

Like these.

I have seen signs like this on game rooms to gun stores to banks. Most businesses in the US have this policy or no policy at all but posting a sign saying it is ok is not that usual. Starbucks is the most well known of these companies that refuse to ban guns but walmart/sams club, our biggest store chain is also part of the group.

Yes, it was me who was joking. The revelations on this thread told me that it was very possible. Very sad.

I wonder what the businesses' liability insurers think about such signs. Inviting people with guns to enter the premises might also be inviting law suits from people shot by one of them. Perhaps the insurers exclude such claims and are happy to leave it for the business owner to pay up.
My understanding is that the insurance does not care, with the exception of gun stores. One insurance company requires signs that say "no loaded guns" or "loaded guns must stay holstered" or some variation of that cause people handle guns allot in gun stores an the odds of someone shooting someone in the foot while fitting a new holster though low, go up allot when it happens day in an day out.

Generally the "no guns" sign is more of a liability.
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Yes, it was me who was joking. The revelations on this thread told me that it was very possible. Very sad.

I wonder what the businesses' liability insurers think about such signs. Inviting people with guns to enter the premises might also be inviting law suits from people shot by one of them. Perhaps the insurers exclude such claims and are happy to leave it for the business owner to pay up.

And if the business owner bans guns could he be sued ? Will the insurers cover the owner ? Maybe the insurer should pay a person carrying that stopped someone that was killing people ?

I would still stand up for someones right to ban guns on their property. I don't see any extra liability, if you don't want to be without your gun then don't go there. Your choice is what freedom is.


I agree. Your place, your rules. But many states have laws or for that matter lack of laws that make the property owner liable for the protection of there patrons when they chose to supersede a state law made for the peoples protection.
I agree. Your place, your rules. But many states have laws or for that matter lack of laws that make the property owner liable for the protection of there patrons when they chose to supersede a state law made for the peoples protection.

Including letting unpaid and unknown gunslingers hang around in their stores waiting for some action? Really?

If something kicked off and the place had several itchy fingered shooters who pulled their guns at the same time, who would know which were the baddies and which were the Rambos?
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