Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

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Including letting unpaid and unknown gunslingers hang around in their stores waiting for some action? Really?

If something kicked off and the place had several itchy fingered shooters who pulled their guns at the same time, who would know which were the baddies and which were the Rambos?

You can "what if" this to death in both directions. As in what if no one is armed and 12 people get killed.


You do understand that Rambo was a movie about the bad things having to kill does to people right?

I enjoyed watching some of the Rambo movies (poor diction for a lead actor, though) but they were about making violence exciting to watch. No harm in that perhaps but not much good, either. I use the name to indicate what might be in the minds of some of those good citizens who are prepared to shoot up a store, and the sheriff to boot in some cases, it seems.
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