Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

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That was your idea, You tell me!

Where did I say that ?

And you missed the meaning of the Rambo movies.

Would it make you feel better if they were blown up? maybe poisoned, IED's? gassed? get the point?
Excellent point, Chickened. Even Slate, hardly gun-friendly, acknowledged that guns aren't even the most lethal mass murder weapons. They just barely beat out knives, and it turns out that fire and bombs are more dangerous by a HUGE margin. Unlike a random nut with a gun, fire is very capable of killing almost everyone in a building, and there's no way to effectively deal with a blaze until firefighters arrive, whereas a gunman can be shot, or beaten, or SOMETHING almost immediately. A bomb is certain to kill everyone within a certain area, depending on the size, and they're not hard to make. Good luck fighting back against an explosion.

Fun fact for Thai and the other guys: bombs are completely, totally illegal. Molotov cocktails are completely, totally illegal. People still make both. Marijuana is illegal. People still smoke it and grow it. Meth is illegal. People still make it. Get the picture, guys? Banning guns would just create a huge black market, which would almost invariably result in far more violence, not to mention the civil war it would cause. Think about that before you go suggesting gun bans.
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