
I picke up a couple chixks from big r this afternoon to place under my broody hen. We first had to wash her under side and move her amd the bad eggs to another nesting box. Away from everyone else. After the bath and the move she settled down. We then went out after dark and switch out the eggs with the two chicks. So far she has taken to them. What do you think the odds are she will take them in. They are under her right now and she seems to be happy.

The breeds that big r teceived look like americauna, blue cochin, leghorn, black australorp and maybe buff orpington.
The woman behind the counter seems to know about chickens pretty well for a change.


SEE???? Now I want some more chickens (I LOVE my EE, and am always tempted to get more - they are the prettiest in my flock) SHame on you for feeding my addiction, lol

I MUST RESIST! (Especially since I am passing right by there this a.m.)

Hi Everyone,
You all have been busy since I've been gone
so many new faces have popped up (YAY)! Anyway, on to beginner chicken business...
I think I've been hoodwinked.

6 weeks ago, I bought 3 black sex-links (at least that's what I was told). Of course, as a chicken beginner, I had no idea what the chicks should look like. Well, to make a long story short, I am beginning to transition the new babies into the "Big Girl coop" and I noticed that one of my new babies does not look like the others. I think I may have another cockerel

So I'm posting photos to get your opinion.

Are they black sex-links?
Does the one with the black head have missing DNA (XY vs. XX)?

Also, now I am scared to mix the flock with the latest mareks posts, because I know my older girls received mareks at the hatchery, but I can't be sure the younger ones received it from the breeder. Any thoughts?

What did they look like at birth? Did the one in question have a white mark on it's head? Cacckle hatchery (video below) ends up with barred markings on the males, and females that look like most of yours. Maybe it's still female, just missing the bright gold. There is no "Barred" look to it, which the makes are supposed to have... Sex link are supposed to be fool proof. (Red stars are - yellow chick males, red chick females)

And Per Murray McMurray:
At maturity, Black Stars weigh a little over 5 lbs. The females are black with gold hackle and breast feathers, and they are egg laying machines. The males are black with white barring. (They will not retain the same characteristics in future generations.)

I think you have a hen, just with extra black on her head.
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Somebody, anybody. Please please please get these roo's off my hands. I'm afraid of what might happen to them if the neighbors call animal control...

SEE???? Now I want some more chickens (I LOVE my EE, and am always tempted to get more - they are the prettiest in my flock) SHame on you for feeding my addiction, lol

I MUST RESIST! (Especially since I am passing right by there this a.m.)

What did they look like at birth? Did the one in question have a white mark on it's head? Cacckle hatchery (video below) ends up with barred markings on the males, and females that look like most of yours. Maybe it's still female, just missing the bright gold. There is no "Barred" look to it, which the makes are supposed to have... Sex link are supposed to be fool proof. (Red stars are - yellow chick males, red chick females)

And Per Murray McMurray:
At maturity, Black Stars weigh a little over 5 lbs. The females are black with gold hackle and breast feathers, and they are egg laying machines. The males are black with white barring. (They will not retain the same characteristics in future generations.)

I think you have a hen, just with extra black on her head.
Thanks FrogEggs. I saw the info from McMurray too and bought them because I thought they were foolproof, but she looks so different (body-shape, tail feathers, and coloring). I was afraid that perhaps someone used a Black Star Roo, instead of a Barred Rock by mistake. I understand that the sexing is only accurate in first generation chicks and after that, all bets are off?

Also, P-Funk, I'd help if I could, but I'm in the city limits and can't have roos. I did hear that there is a woman on Woodman Rd in the Springs that rehomes roosters. It's worth a shot (but I don't have her contact info).
Also, P-Funk, I'd help if I could, but I'm in the city limits and can't have roos. I did hear that there is a woman on Woodman Rd in the Springs that rehomes roosters. It's worth a shot (but I don't have her contact info).
That contact info could save a few lives. They simply cannot stay here. The guy across the street is almost as mean as the HOA president. If someone calls animal control, I will lose all my girls and probably have to tear down the new coop. Help! I love you in advance, Wendi. P
samsr, Most of the time broody hens accept new chicks pretty well. There are always exceptions but most of the time it goes fine. Congrats on the quail hatching!

Wendi, is there any sign of large wattles or comb as compared to the others? It is likely a pullet, just missed out on the markings for unknown reasons. If you can find someone who has turkeys and get some manure from them, spread it on the floor of the pen/run the new girls are in to teach their immune systems to fight the Marek's. My experience has been pretty extreme, these SS (this line, not the breed) seem to be especially vulnerable. I have lost only one bird outside this group of SS (so far, knock wood).

Preston, is there any way to set up a temporary arrangement for your boys in the basement or garage? Just trying to think of ways to muffle the noise. I take it the place in Canon City was a no go? I have a few cockerels I need to process, but would really rather you were able to find them a home before I get to that. I have to either find someone to process for me, or tell Bob he's just going to have to leave for a few hours. You think you've gone soft on chickens? Bob doesn't even like to eat their eggs anymore. If I don't find anyone else to do it, I will probably be processing in the next two weekends. I know you don't want your boys killed, but if the alternative is losing all your birds it might be your only option. As many have said, you know they have had a FAR better life than any chicken one can buy in the grocery store.

On the hatching front here, the first three SS x Egyptian Fayoumi eggs due to hatch, I gave to the broody when they were on day 18 and 19, and they did not hatch. The fourth is in the hatcher drying, and the fifth is pipped :) I will have eggs hatching almost every day now - it's so hot I just set them the day I collect them, as I am not here to collect right after they are laid and I don't want to take the chance they have already begun developing in these temps and kill them by storing them. I have a number of the SSxEF eggs in the incubator, several Silkie eggs, and some shipped Cream Legbar, Silkie, and Barred Rock eggs. So far a few of the CL eggs look like they might be developing, some of the shipped Silkie and almost all the Silkie eggs laid here, and maybe one of the BR eggs. The BR shipper did a terrible job packaging plus the box had a crushed corner, although no broken eggs, but given the packaging I will be shocked if any of them hatch. Time will tell.

This guy stopped by last night for a visit. Gave him some food & water. He hung out today but seems to have since moved on. I'm thinking he's a city park bird. Since we are about 35ish blocks east of the park??? Who knows. It was fun seeing him around.
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samsr, Most of the time broody hens accept new chicks pretty well. There are always exceptions but most of the time it goes fine. Congrats on the quail hatching!

Wendi, is there any sign of large wattles or comb as compared to the others? It is likely a pullet, just missed out on the markings for unknown reasons. If you can find someone who has turkeys and get some manure from them, spread it on the floor of the pen/run the new girls are in to teach their immune systems to fight the Marek's. My experience has been pretty extreme, these SS (this line, not the breed) seem to be especially vulnerable. I have lost only one bird outside this group of SS (so far, knock wood).

Preston, is there any way to set up a temporary arrangement for your boys in the basement or garage? Just trying to think of ways to muffle the noise. I take it the place in Canon City was a no go? I have a few cockerels I need to process, but would really rather you were able to find them a home before I get to that. I have to either find someone to process for me, or tell Bob he's just going to have to leave for a few hours. You think you've gone soft on chickens? Bob doesn't even like to eat their eggs anymore. If I don't find anyone else to do it, I will probably be processing in the next two weekends. I know you don't want your boys killed, but if the alternative is losing all your birds it might be your only option. As many have said, you know they have had a FAR better life than any chicken one can buy in the grocery store.

On the hatching front here, the first three SS x Egyptian Fayoumi eggs due to hatch, I gave to the broody when they were on day 18 and 19, and they did not hatch. The fourth is in the hatcher drying, and the fifth is pipped :) I will have eggs hatching almost every day now - it's so hot I just set them the day I collect them, as I am not here to collect right after they are laid and I don't want to take the chance they have already begun developing in these temps and kill them by storing them. I have a number of the SSxEF eggs in the incubator, several Silkie eggs, and some shipped Cream Legbar, Silkie, and Barred Rock eggs. So far a few of the CL eggs look like they might be developing, some of the shipped Silkie and almost all the Silkie eggs laid here, and maybe one of the BR eggs. The BR shipper did a terrible job packaging plus the box had a crushed corner, although no broken eggs, but given the packaging I will be shocked if any of them hatch. Time will tell.
Hi Pozees,
The comb and wattle are a bit larger than what I see on the other two, but they're only 6 weeks old. The long feathers near her tail and her "big chicken" noises are what has me concerned. I'll see if I can get a really good photo tomorrow.

Who has turkey manure they are willing to share? I have my own bucket and will travel

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