
Birds a friend just got, any guesses of breeds? I'm pretty sure on two, but would like opinions.
JAGGER FOUND A HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A nice man with his little 10 year old son just came and collected him. They were so excited to have such a handsome bird.
Phew. Happy ending for all.
Birds a friend just got, any guesses of breeds? I'm pretty sure on two, but would like opinions.

My guesses - BO, either welsummer or Light brown leghorn (can't see the ear lobes to tell for sure), and either CW or LB (can't see if the legs are feathered or not, or the comb to tell the difference)

JAGGER FOUND A HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A nice man with his little 10 year old son just came and collected him. They were so excited to have such a handsome bird.
Phew. Happy ending for all.

JAGGER FOUND A HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:weee
A nice man with his little 10 year old son just came and collected him. They were so excited to have such a handsome bird.
Phew. Happy ending for all.

So happy, I was just trying to convince my contact as well but had not gotten a yes yet.
My guesses - BO, either welsummer or Light brown leghorn (can't see the ear lobes to tell for sure), and either CW or LB (can't see if the legs are feathered or not, or the comb to tell the difference)

Those were my exact guesses, I also can't tell if the white one has feathered legs or not. For the brown one, which earlobes mean which breed? I was leaning towards brown leghorn, but would like to be sure. Thanks a bunches! I'm getting pretty good at guessing breeds, but it's always nice to have a second, third and eighth opinion. :)
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Those were my exact guesses, I also can't tell if the white one has feathered legs or not. For the brown one, which earlobes mean which breed? I was leaning towards brown leghorn, but would like to be sure. Thanks a bunches! I'm getting pretty good at guessing breeds, but it's always nice to have a second, third and eighth opinion.

white earlobes = white egg (typically) = light brown leghorn
red earlobes = brown egg (typically) = welsummer
I am in the process of finding a home for 2 Roosters.

I contacted a place called Danzigs Roost, it was featured in an article in the Denver Post last year. Waiting to hear back from them to see if my boys can have a forever home with other rescued Roosters.

Good luck to all who are trying to rehome their boys.
Maggiemo.....there is definitely a lot to say about that and from my mouth it would have expletives very second word so beat not!!

I didn't see that was part of their acceptance of Roosters, I saw on peaceful prairie's site that they require you to relinquish the flock and sign a form saying you would never own animals again.

Well, I will be ignoring any emails from Danzigs then!!

I can't believe they would want a full relinquishment!! Even though it is not my fault I ended up with Roosters, and I am not harming them, they are all being VERY well taken care of........ooohhhh, I'm a little p.o'd!!!!!

Expletives..........not getting into it!!! Thank for the heads up by the way Maggiemo :)

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