
I spent the weekend in Durango. Great weather, 70's and sunshine. Coming back there is wind, snow, dust storms, and more wind. Sheesh!!!
I have seen that one, but the problem would be getting it from there to here
Hubby is decently handy, so I think we are going to take a stab at it ourselves.
I have seen that one, but the problem would be getting it from there to here
Hubby is decently handy, so I think we are going to take a stab at it ourselves.

Keep checking CL. We're pretty handy too, but I've found refurbishing a playhouse, dog house, etc. is a real money saver. We probably spent over $1000 on fencing and supplies for our first coop. By getting free fencing and supplies on CL we've been able to build additional coops for a fraction of that.
New here!
I live in Bailey and am thinking of raising chickens,my HOA paper dated from the 70's says it's ok if you live in certain units,housing paperwork says I am at a unit that can have them.I tried emailing the HOA but I have not received a response
I bumped into a resident here who has them but she said it wasn't allowed and people do what they want here at the Burland Ranchetts, but I don't want to ruffle any feathers
Also we don't have unit numbers posted on our homes just regular housing addresses...........
So confused

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Samara, usually it's okay as long as your neighbors don't complain... so, I would talk to each of your neighbors and tell them you'd like to have chickens... let them know whether you'll be keeping roosters or not. If you do keep a roo or two, make sure they let YOU know if the rooster become bothersome. We live on 5 acre lots here, my nieghbor tells me once in a while, "Oh, I heard your roosters the other day." So usually it's not bad for my neighbors round here... (I'm glad I don't live IN my own backyard though!!) If they were to tell me that they were bothersome, I would definately do something about it to keep the peace. My chickens free range all the time and often the neighbor across the street watches them scratch around my front yard... she loves it.

If you have to later, offer them some eggs.
if you've got a no soliciting sign, then get a photo of the soliciter, note the name, date, and time and business name and then you can have them cited.

As for the wind, I had a pile of bricks blow away yesterday! Wow!

And those are some great prices on coops - I've built a couple in the last 6 months and if you do it right and consider your time, you will lose money selling for anything less than $300, even if you get most of your materials for free! As for getting cheap stuff off CL, also consider your time running around getting it - sometimes its not so cheap...

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