
Hi all...

Been trying to get my coop finished....anyway, does anyone have any knowledge about wing injuries or can you recommend somewhere I can look? My blue andalusion had a nasty fall which stunned her at first. She landed on her left wing and back. At first I thought she had broken her back or neck, as she flopped over onto her back with legs in the air and just laid there....I immediately picked her up and at first she seemed ok.
Yesterday I had the girls outside with me and now I noticed that her left wing is droopy all the time. Not sure if it's the entire wing or just the feathers but it sure hangs low. Also, when free ranging she has a tendency to stay rather hidden. She will roam with the others girls but just isn't herself. She's not flapping around and running like she was before the accident. I watched her yesterday and that's what I observed. She is still eating and drinking, just has that droopy wing. She been vaccinated for Marek's disease.
The other girls are still accepting of her too.

Do you think she just sprained it?

Thanks in advance for any help!
I'm not a vet, nor do I play one on TV.....

But it sounds like she is sore from the fall. If the others aren't going asfter her, I would just keep and ee on her. You may want to do a basic exam on her and see if she has any localized pain. She will tell you if it hurts. Then go from there.
Run design question! Do you want the door to open in or out? I'm leaning toward out (like 55-45) simply because in is easier for a predator to get in, too?
My pen doors open towards the outside, as does my main hen house. No reason, I just got used to it that way. Some feel you should have them open towards the inside so the chickens don't get out when you open the door. They follow me around anyway, so it doesn't matter to me.
Run design question! Do you want the door to open in or out? I'm leaning toward out (like 55-45) simply because in is easier for a predator to get in, too?
I have mine going in. At first we were going to have it go out but then when we went to put it on we realized that the way the run is built is wasn't going to work out. Now that I have it opening in, I like it that way. It does not block the path and I can put the wheel-barrel or bucket right up against the run when cleaning.

FrogEggs- numbers are in your favor here (more chicks should make it harder for the hens to single a specific one out for abuse) but I would wait until at least 8 weeks of age for intros. Do an 'other side of the fence' intro to start with for a week or so then mix everyone with loads of goodies around to distract the older ladies. A head of cabbage, sunflower seeds, stuff like that. Your older girls are going to be overwhelmed I think, but better safe than sorry. And be sure there are plenty of escape routes for the young ones in case a hen does go for them.

I am trying to keep up with the thread but forgive me please if I miss things. Update on me; 1 2-year-old, 2 parents here to help, 1 DH that STILL panics at the word 'contractions' (he actually cleaned out the car in under 10 min because of this; a record), 3 cats and 2 brooders of chicks are making my life very full. I went to L&D on Saturday night JIC but the contractions didn't get strong enough to do anything, never mind they were 3-4 minutes apart for three hours and started around 7am.

Ahh, an DS is up. Off to make oatmeal!
Thanks, that's what I thought. I will only have 1 hen and a rooster (unless I fall in love with a blue or something), and then my 14 chicks. Hoping I can make enough room in a couple large boxes (medical supplies.... since Lowes and Home Depot are being less than helpful, lol) to house the 14 for 8 weeks.

I am (DH is) building an 8x8 coop, with egg boxes on one side... So I could, in theory, split the coop with wire, to keep the young 'ens on one side (and away from the egg boxes anyway), for introduction. Especially since I won't be letting them out side for a bit, so they know the coop is home, right? So pop door and egg boxes for the old folks, food and water for both....

Congrats on the new baby - and blessings on a healthy, uneventful birth!
Hello everyone Im a new chick mama as of yesterday. We purchased 4 new chicken babies! Im so excited but also a first timer. If there are any hints, advice, fun stories please share! I also started a facebook group called Colorado Backyard Chickens if anyone wants to join its wide open. Im so excited to chat with everyone!
I'm not a vet, nor do I play one on TV.....
But it sounds like she is sore from the fall. If
the others aren't going asfter her, I would just keep and ee on her. You may want to do a
basic exam on her and see if she has any
localized pain. She will tell you if it hurts. Then
go from there.
Reply doesn't work quite right on my cell -
I have some pictures I took this morning, a couple are blurry but you can see her wing...I'm sure she is sore and you can see how droopy her feathers are.....I'll post them this evening, can't do it now as I'm on my cellphone....thanks for the advice. My vet is just down the street but really can't afford a vet visit if it isn't an emergency!
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