
Actually went up through Boulder to Lyons on 36/7. Daughter's aunt has never been here before so showed her boulder, close up of Flatirons and drive up to NCAR. Coming back down, took the peak to peak to Nederland and down boulder canyon.
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Y'all were in my neck of the woods!
The twins have decided that hail is awesome and playing king of Uncle Angus is fantastic and the best thing of all is sleeping in the hay feeder, besides nursing from mom, that really ranks up there. I will try to get more pics tomorrow if the sun comes out.
Oh, I just meant that the biggest chicken I have right now is maybe 2lbs. It doesn't seem like it would be worth the effort.
No it would not, you have pets and pretty chickens, I have meat and eggs birds, different scenarios for different folks. Like granddaddy taught me, " Michael there are enough ways in this world for Everyone to have one of their very own" He was a big time live and let live guy. He never went to church as a grown man, but he was the most spiritual person I ever met.
Went outside this morning to feed the birds and check the waterers, a few chores that I didn't do last night...Cause I was looking for my missing birds.

I was happily greeted by my 6 Welsummers, already to start the day. It is so nice that they put themselves to bed last night, I just love that when a plan comes together.
@Rock Home Isle - That was hilarious that they decided to put themselves to bed. You were worried for no reason! You've taught them well!!!
@Rock Home Isle - That was hilarious that they decided to put themselves to bed. You were worried for no reason! You've taught them well!!!

Thank you for that...

I recall how LONG it took the Buff Orpingtons to catch on that they needed to be in the coop at night. It just took forever for those girls to 'Get It'.

I actually went into a Full Blown panic last night when I couldn't find the Welsummers...I wrote about it in my thread coop thread.

These girls are AWESOME....
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I lost one of my chicks this past weekend. She was the only one that didn't mind being held and the only one I had named so far. She liked to get up on my shoulder and snuggle, even fell asleep a few times. She was my favorite. I feel bad because if it weren't for my inexperience I would have noticed she was ill sooner. I would have started treatment sooner and she could have made it. I now know I missed/misread symptoms. The good news is that the rest seem to be doing fine. I'll be keeping an eye out for any similar signs in them.

The ducks and quail are doing good. The quail have been very happy since moving outside. Now, whenever I go out to visit them I get lots of crowing. Not looking forward to butchering some of them. Many of the colors I like seem to be males, including my favorite one. I need to stop picking favorites. Here are some pictures I took last week to post in the quail forum because I'm trying to get confirmation on what colors they are.

This is my favorite and I only have one of this color.


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