
Hey colorado friends!
I posted this on CL yesterday and only got one response, from someone in Laramie, WY so I figured I'd also post it here and give ya'll a chance at these ducklings

Khaki Campbell Ducklings - $7 (Dacono CO)

Date: 2011-03-29, 12:37PM MDT
Reply to: see below


We have five Khaki Campbell Ducklings. We bought them at Jax in Lafayette straight run when they were aprox 1 week old, they are currently roughly 7 weeks old. Looking to get rid of all five for $28 or singly for $7.50 a piece. They are currently eating organic chick starter, 24%, and are in a semi heated space, with just a regular, non heat producing lightbulb on during the day.
Also, they are available for pickup at our location or we can deliver within a five mile radius of our home for free, otherwise there is an extra $5.00 total for every 15 miles beyond the first five that we have to drive to deliver.
you will need to type in this email address, it is backwards for spammer security


•Location: Dacono CO
•it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Just pm or email me and let me know if your interested or know someone who might be!
Wow! That was quick! Good job

FYI, the Big R in Security has chicks AND BUNNIES!!!!

They got Easter Eggers in and sold out in a couple of hours. They still have straight run (probably leghorns...yellow fluff balls), black sexlinks, red sex links, wyondottes (sp?) and something else. That is all I could remember. They look nice and healthy.
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They also had Barred Rocks and Buff Wyandotte. The Big R in Falcon was also sold out of Easter Eggers. I did not get off work in time to get any of them.
And I am so glad I did not see this earlier. I would have driven all the way down and spent waaay too much on wyandottes and barred rocks
however, I went to the murdochs in westminster and got 3 Sagitta Pullets (what the hell are these anyways?) five pearl white leghorns and two cornish x roasters


The Sagitta's are the brownish ones

Oh, and
and the colorado thread ossiander!

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