
Good Luck Maria
Wow, I have missed a lot on here!
Good luck and Congrats everyone, bunnies, baby goats, and petitions Oh My!

ETA: btw greeneggs, how is your son doing? any news on the dog you were looking for?
Last edited: the lady with the bunnies was super nice, met her halfway sorta. I met her in woodland park. I told her I was buying a trio...and she gave me a quad. So now I have an extra white/red eyed bunny. In addition to two broken and one chocolate colored. They are rex. 9 weeks old.


They are happy in their hutch.

They have food, water and all those goodies.

Hubby told me last night that (after watching a "here's the deal" segment on the local news that spoke of free adoption of felines) that he didn't want any more cats. He didn't mention bunnies or anything I am good there.
I'm about two 3 wood shots from the Pinery. It seems like alot of peeps want the rules changed there. Take your cutest chick with you when carrying the petition! One wonderful thing you could point out is that THEY LOVE TO EAT MILLER MOTHS
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Hi Everyone- Does anyone have two nine-week old pullets available for sale? We currently have three birds but one is a cockerel and will have to be rehomed. We want to add another one or two girls to our backyard flock and I was told that adding two at a time is the way to go. Is this correct? We would love to add a couple of friendly, happy, and healthy girls so if you have some, please shoot me an email.
Hi all! Garlinto here from just north of Pinon, CO. I'm 15 min south of Fountain and 15 min north of Pueblo. Looks like there are a lot of chicken folks around these parts. My wife and I have 5 Araucona hens and one lone Australorp for layers, and I'm currently raising a brood of 25 white rocks for fryers. Really enjoying the experience and having lots of fun with it! My wife was unsure at first when I said I wanted to have chickens, but now she's more excited about it than I am! If you are ever in the area, stop by and say hello! Be happy to show you around.
Picked up shipment of chicks today and all were dead also. I have had dozens of shipments over several years and never have I had a shipment with all the chicks dead. It was some stupid postal worker mishandling I am sure. Poor little babies.

contact your supplier/hatchery. Very likely if you explain it, they will either reship or refund/store credit you. Take a look at their policies.
SOmetimes things like this happen. Most of the time it has nothing to do with the hatchery, but in how they are handled and cared for in transit. Good luck. I hope that in the end you have a bunch of happy peeping chicks to enjoy.

Looks like i am getting some bunnies this weekend!!! Woo hoo!!

I already contacted the seller which is a fellow BYC member. She has been great and of course like me upset about the loss of the chicks. The money or replacement chicks is secondary to the death of these chicks. This was a case of chicks being either in a hot non ventilated van/truck or on a hot dock. These chicks clearly died from being overheated. This was a case of postal mishandling and my local post office agrees. They received three boxes of chicks yesterday with all the chicks dead and another box with almost all the chicks dead. A really stupid or uncaring postal worker is responsible and I am filing a complaint hoping find out who messed up and to hopefully prevent further problems. This appears to have happened either in Denver or Colorado Springs so we all need to be on the watch.

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