
Here they are Zilla, they look pretty content!!


on the same topic..sorta, anyone want a cayuga drake? PM me if you do.
The Denver Urban Homesteading swap is tomorrow 10-12 Noon at Earthdog Denver, 370 Kalamath Street.
I am bringing primarily males (seems to be what hatched!!)--blue mottled bantam cochin chicks; a cochin trio and a couple light splash silkie cockerels:



So I'm outside this morning at 8AM, stretching out the water hose...why? Because we planted 12 large trees this fall and I will be darn if I'll let them die from our dry weather... anyway, I am about to go on a trip and so I had lots of chores this weekend before I disembark. I have feeders for my chooks so that I'm not filling dishes and watering cans every day and whilst doing this, my chickens began to sit on me.

You read right...they began to sit on me.

Maybe their feet were cold or they needed a better vantage point to see over the fence, but what the heck? I miss my Rosamond, who was the last lead hen, but the girls I have remaining now as so sweet... never had them be so friendly as to sit on me. One on each shoulder.... LOL I love chickens.
I'm probably 15 min north of you! We live in city limits but the rules are can have as many chickens as you can care for! Our coop is only big enough for 4, though. We NEED to get together the money to build a larger coop because 4 chickens just do not supply enough eggs for a family of 7! (one has stopped laying completely due to the season and another hasn't started laying yet but she is squatting for us regularly so any day now!)
Does anyone in the Denver area have a hen or two they're willing to part with? I've had some recent tragic losses due to egg binding and the neighbors dogs and am left with 3 chickens. I think they're lonely.. and cold. I'm looking for a hen or two with sweet personalities that wants to be spoiled rotten like the rest of mine. I like larger birds without feathered feet. Right now I'm down to 1 RIR 1 Black Rock and 1 Sexlink.

I work every Saturday and can never make it to a swap. I wish I could take off a Saturday just for this.

I'm willing to pay and pick up for the right (happy and spoiled) hen(s). If I had it my way I'd be looking for 500 more, but where I live I'm pushing it with 5.
I'm moving soon and will be able to have as many chickens as I want, but until then I can only have a few.

Thanks so much.
Thanks for the pic Melissa

Still looking for a Welsh Harlequin drake not related to Tweak since I have 1 of his daughters (Melissa, Dawn is one of Tweak's kids).

Barring that, anyone want to go in on a Holdereads duckling order? Their minimum is 10.
Daisy just be careful getting your birds at the swap. There were many there yesterday for adoption but please please be sure that you quarantine them for as long as possible before you put them in together.
Well, I have not updated in a while. Things have been quite busy!

I have completed the incubator and have been testing it all weekend. I have some more tweeking to do then I will be ready. I have 12 chicks coming the week of Feb 20th, (ordered 4 breeds, 3 each-all hens) so I plan on having some of my Leghorns hatch on the 21-23 of Feb. If all goes well I should have about 25 chicks for the brooder! I have been checking my eggs and it looks like I'm running at least 75% fertility rate. I hope the other 25% is my eyes!!

All things have been tested and are ready!

We are looking foreward to getting the chicks!!

Updates later!!


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