Confused about Wazine 17.


Mar 30, 2018
Hello, BYC! :) I received the results of my hen’s fecal today, and it was positive for roundworms. I was planning on deworming with Wazine 17, but I am getting mixed reviews. The label says that it shouldn’t be used in laying hens. What should I do? Any help is appreciated.
It is not FDA approved for use with laying hens because of residue in eggs or just hasn't been tested for use in chickens. People here just use a 2 week egg withdrawal period to give the medicine time to work out of the birds system. In Australia and Canada it is approved for use in laying hens, just not the US.
Unfortunately Wazine has been discontinued. :( I gave them Safeguard and will repeat in 10 days. The vet told me to retest in three weeks. Thanks for your input.
Unfortunately Wazine has been discontinued. :( I gave them Safeguard and will repeat in 10 days. The vet told me to retest in three weeks. Thanks for your input.

Wazine has been discontinued? Are you sure? That seems like it would be a really odd move for the manufacturer since it is a product widely used both "on label" as well as "off label".

EDIT: Apparently it is true.......

Guess I can feel better about suggesting my favorite wormer.

Wormer Deluxe Powder
10% Oxfendazole
10% Praziquantel
Dosage: 1 Teaspoon (5 grams) per gallon of water for 2 consecutive days. Repeat treatment in 21 days. Change water daily.

Use with your own egg withdrawal timeline based on how comfortable you are with those active ingredients. But rest assured those are used in humans to treat worms as well. Haha. So it is more about if you or someone you provide eggs is allergic to Oxfendazole or Praziquantel.

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