Confused on what to feed.

I'm too lazy too fill small bowls with oyster shell and/or grit and too careless to notice when they run low, so here's what works great for me, they are actually cat feeders and hold so much I don't have to worry about them running out of either product for months at a time:

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I have only 5 chickens I need to check on twice daily.
But that is a stellar idea!
Hey everyone, we have 15/16 week chickens some of which look close to laying. I’ve seen some squats and definitely pinker/redder combs and waddles. We’re finishing up a bag of start and grow which they’ve been on from the beginning.

I was originally thinking of just going to layer crumble but just saw a bunch of posts on flock raiser with oyster shells. I’m at a loss and way overwhelmed on what I should do. Should I just switch to layer feed now or buy more start and grow until they lay. I like the idea of layer feed as I don’t have to worry about supplemental calcium such as oyster shells.

Also, I have never provided any additional grit aside from what they get in the 10x10 run. Should I get some actual grit and supply it? And is there a real difference between pellets or crumble-or is crumble fine if they tolerate it.

Thanks and sorry for all the questions!
I agree-I'm confused on when to change their feed. When to add calcium.
But this is great place to learn. Chickens are smarter than we know-LOL! I read that we put the oyster/calcium in a separate bowl and they will know when to eat. I haven't seen anything about the grit except it aids in digesting food. So...much information here.

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