
Hi and welcome Tiffany and chickennovice.

I'm curious, where in CT is there a livestock auction? I hear about them in New York but never in CT. I've been to Durham a couple of times.
Hello all! It's been awhile since I posted since my flock has been dwindling. I lost 7 in a fisher attack back in October, and then my award winning WC Black Polish died in the coop one evening over the winter and just last week, the only rooster on the property, a Bantam WC black polish passed away.

Needless to say, it's been a tough winter. I just now am considering adding about 1/2 dozen layers to the mix. I have 2 separate coop areas, so my rosecomb, silver pencil barred rock and WC black polish (all bantams) will stay on their own.

Anybody near the SE shoreline have RI reds, Sussex, etc? I am really just looking for decent layers and backyard pets now, since my 14 year old seems to have given up his desire to show anymore. I wouldn't mind chicks, I just don't need more than 6-8 with a max of 1 rooster. Let me know if any one can help!

The local kindergarden class as just set 39 eggs in my incubator. I will be taking them home when they are a week old. they are due to hatch around june 4th. The eggs are a barnyard mix, all stanard size. You may have some if you wants some. I live in east hampton, connecticut
That sounds great. I hope the hatch goes well

I miss all my standards and would really like to rebuild my flock! Let me know when and I would be happy to come to East Hampton and pick them up.
Hi Guys! Just found this thread. I'm pretty much a newbie to this board
I live in the northeast corner of CT, near the borders of RI and MA......a tiny town called Dayville. It's great to find so many chicken nuts in CT!!
I have 21 Brabanters than are too young to sex yet, but hopefully will be cut down to about 10 hens and a roo, and my 10 "mutt flock" of BO's, austrolorps, spitzhauben, iowa blue, deleware and mystery chick!
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hello ct byc people, new to this board and chickens as well. i've had cows since i was a baby and we had a few pigs for many years. i live out in lebanon. i just got 4 buffs and 5 arucana mixes. i got them from a nice older guy who breeds them locally in ct, the arucana mixes he breeds to get a larger "easter egg".

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