
Wow it is so hot in CT today

My girls are in their run that is situated in shade under trees... but I wonder if letting them free range would be better today for them?

If they wander, they won't be close to their ice water.
If they do wander, they might find an even cooler spot under a bush.
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I tried that, but they all stood back and stared at it like it was some deep, sinister plot.

Mine seem to just end up drinking out of it, or just running through it.
I just checked on the big girls. I could hardly breath when I walked outside. They are all taking dust baths in the gravel parking area in direct sunlight. The gravel has to be well over 110 degrees where they are lounging.
I think I've found a new marketing niche - self-roasting chickens!
I've too been worried for the first time this summer! I gave the girls some frozen blueberries, fresh raspberries, fresh water, a bowl of ice water, and now have a bottle of water freezing to cool off the coop and they will (Hopefully!) sit near it!! Oh, they also got a bundle of weeds to pick at
mine dont seem to mind the heat to much they all just went in the woods behind the coop were there is a swamp they are all just laying peacocks look hot thought my poor amy is sitting on eggs it the middle of there pen she must be hot.she seems to be a good mommy for a peahen.
I just let all of mine free range all day.Big,medium,and babies. The roo went to camp so even if they wonder into the neighbors yard I don`t have to worry about anybody getting attacked. They got water stations all over the place and I gave them a nice big piece of cold watermelon.When I came home they seem happy just chillen under some rasberry bushes

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