
It always seem to be brightest before the storm, I agree it is a pretty day - a good day to get things accomplished.

"The calm before the storm"

I've lived here for eons and I haven't heard a forecast as bad as this either.

i think gloria an bob were much worse then this one.but we are going to get a ton of rain.just have to sit back an enjoy mother nature at her best.good luck to all an i hope we human or chicken lives are lost.
Now, If you want to know about earth quakes or riots, I'm your girl. For this one I'm relying on East Coast experienced folks like you. I think I'm bringing the girls into the garage since my coop is small and potentially could do a Wizard of Oz into the next county.

It always seem to be brightest before the storm, I agree it is a pretty day - a good day to get things accomplished.

"The calm before the storm"

I've lived here for eons and I haven't heard a forecast as bad as this either.

i think gloria an bob were much worse then this one.but we are going to get a ton of rain.just have to sit back an enjoy mother nature at her best.good luck to all an i hope we human or chicken lives are lost.
Debbie has 20+ chickens in 1 coop.15 12 weekolds in a second 25 14 weekold roos in a growing out pen.then has her 4 peacock in there coop an2 goats.everyone will be locked up in there coop except blackeberry.anyone who have come vy he is the roo that follows the girls every where an is there baby so they said he was coming in because he was there pet an not a daddy gave in on that
I have no idea what to make of this upcoming hurricane. On one hand, I know we need to take precautions and be safe. On the other, the media (and consequently, the state government) tend to blow these things WAY out of proportion.

I'm pretty sure we'll be alright here in Salem. I'll secure the coop windows against the wind and driving rain & if it gets *too* bad, we'll just move the chickens into the basement. It'll be damp, but at least they wont blow away or get hurt! My biggest concern is the massive trees surrounding my property. They do a good job of sheltering us from the *really* strong winds, but a falling branch could do some serious damage.
Gloria and Bob ~ I wasn't a weather channel watcher then, I am now

and YES! The media hypes it up of course, no wonder we're all shaking in our boots a bit

Otherwise, I love severe weather ... as long as the roofs stay on! Being snowed in for days and watching lightning are actually high on my list

We decided to let our 2 pullets camp out in the garage in the giant metal dog crate. Since the coop & run are new, it will be a great test for it.
Not going to test this "historic storm" with them in it though (we love them and we do not want to replace them). If all goes well I won't worry about any upcoming blizzards/nor'easters.

My feet hurt.

I spent all day preparing. Up & down stairs. In & out of the house. Back & forth to the garage & shed & coop, I should have worn my pedometer. Much still to do, is it tomorrow yet? I can hardly wait for daylight, by then my feet will be rested enough to go.

My biggest concern is the massive trees surrounding my property. They do a good job of sheltering us from the *really* strong winds, but a falling branch could do some serious damage.


It always seem to be brightest before the storm, I agree it is a pretty day - a good day to get things accomplished.

"The calm before the storm"

I've lived here for eons and I haven't heard a forecast as bad as this either.

i think gloria an bob were much worse then this one.but we are going to get a ton of rain.just have to sit back an enjoy mother nature at her best.good luck to all an i hope we human or chicken lives are lost.​
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Other than being prepared there is nothing we can do.
My girls are going to ride it out in the laundry room since I only have the 5 and they will easily stay in the 2 very large dog cages. Plus the coop is essentially built on stilts so strong enough winds can probably knock it down.
I went to the store this morning to buy some melons for the girls. Since they will be shut in all day Sunday they will need something to keep them occupied. People are going crazy! you would think it was the end of the world. It took me 1 hour to make a 15 minute trip. I was suppose to go to JFK on Sunday to pick up my daughter. Thank god they canceled the flight.
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