Cooked grape skins/seeds from canning-ok for chickens?


9 Years
May 19, 2010
Franklin, TN
I am making muscadine grape jelly and I have a bowl full of cooked skins/pulp/seeds after I've strained out the liquid I need for the jelly. There's no sugar or pectin in it. I know chickens love grapes - mine get raw cut up ones all the time but I'm wondering about cooked pieces. There may be no difference but I thought I'd check to see if anyone has any experience with this. I can always compost it but I suspect the girls would love this.
My birds ate some of it last week when I steam juiced, then they didn't want any more so I tossed it into the compost. It's not the same fun texture as fresh grapes and I think they were disappointed. I'd read that the leftovers are perfectly fine for chickens in several spots before I gave it to them. Only thing they devoured was the shriveled grapes I didn't juice.
give it to them and see what they say...
Well, I put the big bowl out and they all gathered around and proceeded to pick out as many of the black seeds as they could find, completely ignoring the skins. Since it was 6 pounds of grape skins & seeds and only 5 chickens eating it (the other 2 had no interest), I pulled the dish away after they'd eaten some - was afraid of ingesting too many seeds though they may have been just fine.
Guess it's the compost pile for the rest!
i was wondering th esame. i make the same jelly and one of my vines hangs over the run and coop that is going up. i read to only feed them seedless grapes, but i cant control where the grapes drop.
@beachlivin' Jealous that you have the vines - we got our grapes from a local farmer but hope to plant some next year. Though considering I got them picked for me at $2 a pound, I may reconsider and just keep getting them from the farmer! Grape vines are really pretty though.

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