Cooked Rice?

A myth started by the Catholic church to stop litter at every wedding!
Thank you Ron for your info all info is welcome I'm a brand new chicken mom we had them as kids on the farm but at that point our parents took care of the chickens mostly , now it's our turn
Well in my humble opinion, yes they can eat cooked rice, uncooked is a no no.

My girls love rice, white rice is pretty much a filler though, not a lot of goodness in it, brown rice would be better, but dont give them too much or else theyll fill up on nutrient lacking food instead of there food and nutrient rich veggies and fruit etc. /img/smilies/yippiechickie.gif

I agree with the cooked but not with the uncooked- think about it-- birds eat rice straight out of the field and it doesn't hurt them so why would it hurt them?

I give my chickens any kind of scraps out of the kitchen never had a problem with it either. The past 2 days they got bucket loads of tomato cores and peels- which they loved. Some people say tomatos are bad for chickens, but I don't see any ill effects. They still eat their egg layer, bugs, grass, and whatever else they can find.

The difference between field rice and uncooked rice, field rice is raw, will not swell. However, uncooked rice is dehydrated, which is why it swells. Just a little info.
Are chickens okay eating cooked rice? I assume that uncooked rice is not okay, as with other birds. If they can eat it, do they like it?
I logged in just to answer this one. Rice: Both cooked and uncooked is perfectly fine for chicken and almost all other birds. In fact, uncooked rice is eaten commonly by many different birds in rice fields. Chickens and ducks included. It does not cause harm in any way whatsoever. This is an old husband's tale
I logged in just to answer this one. Rice: Both cooked and uncooked is perfectly fine for chicken and almost all other birds. In fact, uncooked rice is eaten commonly by many different birds in rice fields. Chickens and ducks included. It does not cause harm in any way whatsoever. This is an old husband's tale
exactly right, cooked rice is just fine for chickens plus my 42 year old parrot, loves cooked basmati rice with a bit of soy sauce HA and also he loves Chinese food ,pizza and spaghetti he eats every thing we eat except for meat.

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