coop boxes

fire sale chick

In the Brooder
5 Years
May 13, 2014
I am making my chicken coop boxes and wonder if 10.5 inches is too small for laying? I have a 32.5" box that I want to divide and wonder if I should make 2 or 3 boxes. If I do 2, they would be 16.25", is that too big?
Depends upon the breed of hen. If you have leghorn size hens, that's fine. If you have beefy brahma or cochin sized, that will be small and they will probably start laying on the ground. How many hens do you have. 2 boxes are fine for 10 hens. I have 15 and they mostly only use 2 boxes.
I have Rhode Island Reds (4). I think I would like to have the 3 boxes, if you think they will be large enough for them.

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