Coop Brooding vs Indoor

They should be fine then. Just watch for panting. Chickens are like dogs in that they don't sweat, they pant to cool off. If you see panting then you might want to cool off their water and keep them in a shady place and maybe try damp towels hung around them to bring down the temperature just a little. Do not get the chicks wet. For new hatched chicks however 100 or so degrees is not to hot. After they feather out some it might be a tad warm.
Thank you! I think I am going to try the zips after all, at least for the ones that have names. I'll just have to watch the size closely and make sure they don't get tight. Of the 17 we have Rocket, Nugget, Runt and Biscuit
Make sure that they are the tiny zip ties for tiny chicks. Put them on loose and cut off the excess with scissors. Use your sharpi to color the block for ID purposes. I use more than one color on a band. One to ID the batch and one for the name of the chick. I use green on chicks that are female and red on chicks that are male if I am selling them or giving them away. I have two austrolorps hens, one Wellsummer, a buff Orpington hen and a buff Orpington rooster. All over one year old. I hatched out 12 more buff Orpingtons seven weeks ago. Some from my buff Orpingtons and some from eBay. Then five days ago I hatched out five golden blue brahmas and six buff brahmas from eBay. The Orpingtons are sexed but the brahmas are harder for me. I have feather sexed them, but I will need to wait and see if I got it right or not. I have owned and bred many different breeds of chickens over the years. I have enjoyed all of them, except for a few mean roosters.
@Chickenlady59 I bought multi-colored, tiny zip ties in hopes of ID'ing them, but alas, their looks and personalities change so quickly that I can't tell them apart enough from day to day to positively identify them at this point! LOL The only one I know for sure at the moment is Rocket, because it is my only Plymouth Barred Rock- still unsure whether a roo or pullet. Today I am leaning toward pullet! Thanks for the reply and advice though, I will definitely use the info if there is ever another batch of hatchery babies!
Oh I agree about the heat pad brooding (if you don't have the hens doing the brooding). It works so so well! Congrats to whoever thought of that!!
Hello! Welcome to "motherhood" . We've hatched out / brooded chicks in both scenarios. I / we firmly believe that if she sets for the duration, that she, the mother hen, would be the best route to care for the chicks. We make thier needs as far as foods and water readily available, but mom shows em how it's done. She immediately starts talking to them, showing what's right or wrong. and in the coop, sure, keep them separated for a bit from the curious others, especially a rooster, unless he's gentle. After a few weeks, 2-3 I let them mingle. The flock will keep an eye out for them.

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