coop from tractor supply

The coop is fairly small. Built for only 4 chickens so I don't see us being able to keep all 8. Plus I do think one might be a roo.... No roos allowed.





He's worked on it more since I've taken pictures. I'll have to go see how much he's gotten done.
The coop is fairly small. Built for only 4 chickens so I don't see us being able to keep all 8. Plus I do think one might be a roo.... No roos allowed.
Good point.
Your 4 chickens will spend as much time as they can outside of the coop, and only use it to sleep in, or to lay eggs.
If you add a decent sized secure run with a roof (plastic patio roofing is fine), they'll be out there, or free ranging if they are permitted.
You can even make the run more usable on windy/rainy/snowy days by covering the bad weather sides with a clear tarp or plastic.

Being outside makes them happy.
I don't mean to hijack this thread but I've got a quick question for you all. hubby's making me another coop for my standard size girls coming in April and I just CAN NOT get him to build it bigger than 4x8..sigh.. I have a large run and really large backyard but how many chickens will fit in a 4x8 coop?? I have ten coming. Yikes!!
I don't mean to hijack this thread but I've got a quick question for you all. hubby's making me another coop for my standard size girls coming in April and I just CAN NOT get him to build it bigger than 4x8..sigh.. I have a large run and really large backyard but how many chickens will fit in a 4x8 coop?? I have ten coming. Yikes!!

That's gives each bird (if you keep all) 3.2 square feet each, a little closer to 4 per bird is optimal but I think if they spends lots of time outdoors you might be able to stretch it. Getting rid of one would be the easiest choice though to get te extra square footage
honestly i think you should shop around at Tractor Supply and Home depot (i saw two or three different kinds at home depot) I also recently saw one at costco for less than 300$ that was cute and a good size, it actually looked super similar to the one i have but might even be bigger. they had one on display at the costco in my town, its best to find a display so you can really see how big they are and if the wood is ok. if you don't move them around a lot too, that will help prevent wear and tear.

Good Luck!
Not all pre fabs are bad, they are supposed to be designed to be easy to build and for a small back yard flock. iv always heard mix things. hope you find something cute.
It's pressure treated so Dad said not to paint it until it changes color, like the fence in the background.
Sort of an exterior plywood, which is very sturdy!

I'd consider swapping out the chicken wire on the window for 1/2" hardware cloth. Some predators like raccoons can rip through chicken wire.
I like the double doors that open for cleaning out.

Will your chickens free range during the day, and just use the coop for egg laying and roosting at night?
The coop is inside a fully enclosed run so I'm not too worried about the chicken wire. Especially since it'll be only open during the day for ventilation during the summer. They'll have a run to go to during the day when I'm home and a yard when I'm outside. If I'm not home they'll have a smaller run inside the run (hope I'm not confusing you). Thankfully we don't have raccoons in town where I'm at, only thing we've seen are rats, Hawks, owls, and one possum (which my dad killed)

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