Coop location


13 Years
May 10, 2011
We are planning on building our coop in a small stretch of land on our property, but it will end up being only about 6 feet from the outside wall of our house (no doors on that side, south facing). Wondering if this location is too close to the house ? We will have a small flock (eventually only 6 birds, starting with 3 and increasing over time to stagger egg laying). Also, any suggestions for the layout would be helpful- we are in Seattle, so wondering if we should trench/lay gravel etc? The coop will be 6x5, the run 8x8. Will be using hard ware cloth under the run and up the sides, covering the run, plenty of ventilation. **now with pics!!** The wee flags are the rough outline of the coop and run. :D
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Having it that close to the house is entirely up to you. It will certainly be motivation to keep things clean and dry!
I would make the run larger than that and I would not put the hardware cloth on the bottom of the run. Just put a predator apron around it that extends out about 2 ft. Pin down the outer edges with heavy duty landscape pins and let the grass grow through. That way the birds can dig in the soil as much as they want with no worry of hitting the hardware cloth and injuring their feet.
Having it that close to the house is entirely up to you. It will certainly be motivation to keep things clean and dry!
I would make the run larger than that and I would not put the hardware cloth on the bottom of the run. Just put a predator apron around it that extends out about 2 ft. Pin down the outer edges with heavy duty landscape pins and let the grass grow through. That way the birds can dig in the soil as much as they want with no worry of hitting the hardware cloth and injuring their feet.
Yes, sorry- I guess I meant a hardware apron. How big would you suggest for the run?
Will be great for some protection from wind, if you get any. And lots of shade from those trees will be great. Can't tell for sure from the photos, but it looks like its on a slight slope? If so, you might want to solve for drainage up front (diverting any run off around your coop and on out towards the street).

Any concerns about mice/rats find the coop and then their way to your house? Maybe a cat would be a good investment too. :)
Any setback restrictions for Seattle? I'm familiar with the county's restrictions which allow for close proximity, but not sure if the city has different ordinances.

Wouldn't bother me to have the chickens in that close but I have double paned windows throughout. If those are bedrooms right there and you have single paned windows, you might not be so happy once the hens start laying lol.

I would not add gravel to the run area itself but depending on drainage at the site, some trenching around the perimeter may help. Looks like it slopes slightly towards the driveway/road which should help with drainage.
Will be great for some protection from wind, if you get any. And lots of shade from those trees will be great. Can't tell for sure from the photos, but it looks like its on a slight slope? If so, you might want to solve for drainage up front (diverting any run off around your coop and on out towards the street).

Any concerns about mice/rats find the coop and then their way to your house? Maybe a cat would be a good investment too. :)
We just lost our 17 year old kitty, so not sure I am ready for that. Many in my area have suggested a "barn kitty", but we don't have a barn-how do they stay safe from predators and the elements?

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