correctional center employees .................a shout out to ........

Congratulations!!!! I just read the thread and I am so happy for you!!
God bless you and keep you!!!!
Can I ask how you got in to this job? It's one DH is considering applying for, but we cannot figure out how/where to apply? I have several friends that work for the local prison, but haven't been able to get hold of any of them.
my half brother did. RI State Pen for many years.

Just be careful. He was murdered by an ex convict that he had become "friends" with while working. Guy got out and was looking for a new beginning.
hi everyone,
I will be starting on tuesday the 2 nd of feb. I have to train all week and then get my schedule for regular work. don't have to go to ' BOOT CAMP" until fall.
just to make it clear
i will not be a correctional officer
I will be a LIBRARIAN.
the inmates have NO internet , and the books are pretty dated , they have a BIG computer area where they can get on lexis nexis a LAW program .
they get a lot of good magazines and several newspapers.
The inmates come in 50 at a time , so it should be a lot different for me since I may get 3 peoeple all day at the job I have now , plus they are not inmates ( although some may be criminals !!!!)
well have a good one , everyone. will keep you informed.
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