Corrugated Roof Type for Muscovy Shelter


In the Brooder
Aug 23, 2017
We're getting a plan together for our Muscovy cattle panel hoop shelter, and I'd appreciate any advise on the roofing as far as light goes. We want to go with the corrugated pvc / poly type material, but I'm wondering if anyone has knowledge or a good guess as to which type transparency would be most appealing to them. What I mean is, would they like the clear that lets the most light through, or do you think they'd like something more solid, possibly give them a more "covered" feeling. I've read plenty of stories where people waste time on the shelter because the ducks just don't like it. The basic categories are usually clear, translucent, or solid color. What do you think?
Are they going to be confined to this shed and a run? I personally would use solid with a small amount of clear, like one panel. What's your climate? My muscovy stay in my shed most of the winter, but during the warmer months they are outside most of the day and night foraging. My muscovy use cover to roost, and nest.
Oh, thanks for the qualifying questions. I should've added that. We will let them free range basically all they want (1+ acre), and just have this for cover / nesting. So, maybe solid panels over most including the nesting area, and the one panel clear towards the front?
Oh, thanks for the qualifying questions. I should've added that. We will let them free range basically all they want (1+ acre), and just have this for cover / nesting. So, maybe solid panels over most including the nesting area, and the one panel clear towards the front?
That's what I would do. They also will need a roost.
Thanks! That seems like a great way to go. Also, do you think we should shut them in at night for the first week or so to get them acclimated to it? We have an English Shepherd, good guard and gentle with all birds. So, in addition to shutting them in, do you think it's a good idea to close the dog in with them, again just at first, as long a we know she is fine with them?
I probably would lock them up at night for a few weeks to bond them to the shed. Probably not with the dog. My ducks fall back and stay in my shed if any predators start sniffing about. It's one way I know we are having visitors that aren't welcome.
Ok sounds good! BTW do you raise your Muscovies for meat? If so, is it true the solid whites are best for plucking?
Ok sounds good! BTW do you raise your Muscovies for meat? If so, is it true the solid whites are best for plucking?
Mine are for bug control. We butchered some a long time ago, but they were all blacks and chocolates.

I believe in most poultry they pluck the same but the whites you don't see the remaining small pin feathers and feather shafts so the carcass looks cleaner, which can be important if you are selling them.
Gotcha. We're looking forward to the bug control as well! I know they're great for flying bugs, but some people say they're great for ticks too. Have you found that to be the case?
Gotcha. We're looking forward to the bug control as well! I know they're great for flying bugs, but some people say they're great for ticks too. Have you found that to be the case?
They are excellent in all type of bug control. Mine wander the yard at night. It's weird to see ducks wandering around in the yard in the middle of the night with their heads down hunting bugs and worms.

We also have free range chickens. We don't see many ticks around here because of it. Muscovy aren't as destructive as chickens. No scratching the mulch out from them, or digging up plants.

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