Could Zoe be ZACHARY? Late Blooming Roo?


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
My Barred Rock chick Zoe is 8 weeks old and her older brother Gabriel is 13 weeks old. At four weeks, Gabe had a comb and wattles larger than Zoe's is at 8 weeks. This baby is making me sweat, typical of some of Lexie's kids since she was a cockerel-colored pullet herself that broke all the BR sexing rules. Zoe here is a fence sitter, I guess. Here is Zoe today:



Compare her brother Gabriel at four weeks then at six weeks old, two weeks younger than Zoe in the above pics:

I'm thinking I have a late blooming cockerel or just one that didnt develop quite as early as its brother. What do you think?
That comb is suspiciously large! But I don't see any other "trigger" for BOY!

I'm holding out at PULLET - perhaps a little princess with a crown
Nope, no real tail feathers, no pointy saddles, just a slightly larger comb than some pullets, but nowhere as big as her brother's comb was at an even earlier age. Little androgynous baby. If this one is a roo, I'm going to cry because this is the friendliest little thing and Gabe is a bit of a wild child, not at all like any BR I've ever had in the past. He needs more handling, but Zoe is already a big pet. Hmm, maybe I could have three BR roosters? I mean, the laying flock is already up to 20 girls with more to come, so that should be enough for three handsome BR men, right?
In your pics, it does look like those tail feathers are rooster-ish. Cynthia, how can you not know? It's just shocking, you are one of the best sexers, I'm feeling let down
Well, Zoe/Zachary has her beat in the comb dept, so that's why I'm leaning toward boy now. I recall one of Lexie's babies back in the spring that I thought was a girl for six weeks then suddenly the comb and wattles just popped out and it crowed. Bet this is another one of those. Usually, I know really quick on the BRs, but on occasion there'll be one that makes you guess awhile.

Katy, I love that rooster!

Here's Gabriel and Zoe's mother, Lexie, at 15 weeks old:

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