Count Down to Triplets! Babies are here! *Pics Added*

OOh, poor baby Linus...

I hope and pray that he pulls through..
TXmom, you explained that quite well!

My only question; why the scheduled c-section? Was is absolutely needed as in, was mom's or babies lives in jeopardy?

Prayers and
, and
to all...... babies are pretty tough little fighters!!!!

I think Linus needs his blanket for strength........
Thanks for all the nice comments and prayers...we all appreciate it.

babylady4...that was cute about his blanket...I really think I need to go find a Linus blanket now! They have a million baby blankets already, but not sure how much they look like that specific one.
And to answer your question, 90% of triplets are born by or during the 32nd week. She was a superstar and held on until 34 wks 4 days. The doctor actually wanted to deliver them a week earlier, but "T" insisted on having October the doc let her go until Oct 1.
She was hospitalized for the last few days and was starting to go downhill very fast. She was extremely swollen all over, blood pressure going up, having a lot of sharp pains (not from contractions, probably pressure on nerves), and was violently vomiting even when she hadn't eaten for many hours. She barely held on until Oct 1.

By the way, the heart problems that Linus is having are not caused by him being a triplet or by being a premie. It's a heart defect that can happen to any baby. They're doing an EKG on Simon (the identical to Linus) to make sure he doesn't have it also. He could have a less severe case and not be showing symptoms yet. They just want to make sure...

Again, thank you all for your well wishes. And feel free to ask questions, I'll answer the best I can.
Congrats on your new nephews! I'm sending positive thought to both mom's and their 3 precious babies that the boys gain their strength and be ready to go home soon.
If its any comfort a friend of ours had a baby born with this defect. Surgery made a world of difference. It seemed after the surgery he just took off. He was doing pretty poorly before but they were trying to put off doing the surgery at first until it became a critical issue. He is now 6 months old and you would never know he was born a month early and with a heart defect. He is super active already.

We will all be praying for a positive outcome and great news in the future.
Just got home from the hospital. What day is it? I can't remember... Anyways, everyone is doing pretty good. Simon is doing about the same (which has been good). He had an Occupational Therapist come in and help him with his eating/swallowing, so he's eating better now. They may even take him completely off the IV.
Dexter is doing AMAZING...he made huge improvements with his lungs. They took him off oxygen again and he's breathing well. They got to hold him and feed him today for the first time!
Linus is doing as well as can be expected. Small improvements, like better oxygen levels and better blood pressure. The doctors have determined that he'll need another procedure soon (maybe in a week or two) to open that valve some more. They stretched it as much as they could without causing further damage to his heart, but they'll need to do more. He's not eating yet, but his mommy is pumping like crazy and banking some colostrum for when they can start feeding him.

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