cracked corn?


12 Years
Mar 24, 2007
Northwest Indiana
We feed our chickens Dumor feed from the local TSC, but we heard some people talking about how they just give their chickens cracked corn. Since it's less expensive, we wanted to ask about it. Does it have enough calcium for the laying hens, if we mix oyster shell with it? Is it worth it? Any negative effects?
Too much carbohydrate, too little protein, only about 8%. Just corn is a totally inadequate diet. They actually could get too fat, which causes eggbinding, plus white birds tend to turn brassy/yellow on corn. It's like giving them candy all the time.
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I dont really know what Dumor feed is.. but you cant, or shouldnt, feed cracked corn exclusively.. its doesnt have any of what laying hens need.. I even add half layer feed and half corn for my rooster. I only use corn as a treat, in moderation, for my hens.. Someone else may have a different idea but I personally would strongly discourage a corn only diet for laying hens..
Okay, thanks for clearing that up. Personally I would rather stick with the poultry anyways, but since it's cheaper around here, my dad wanted me to look into it.

Thanks a lot.
I thought I'd come back and show you the effects of an all corn diet. I bought my rooster Hawkeye at 10 months old from a kid who only fed him corn. Here is what he looked like when I got him, then after one month of a truly adequate diet-see what I mean?

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Thank you. Yes, he's a Barred Plymouth Rock, now a year and a half old and a wonderful flock rooster. He does have a very massive build, unlike most you see these days and he's a sweetie, too. His comb and one wattle were damaged by a turkey he was penned with when I bought/rescued him, so my friend says he has an "Art Deco" comb, LOL. Here he is at a later date:
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LOL, I really have no idea. Mine freerange most of every day and I only shake the can and throw out a little scratch to call them back home from all over the property. Most freeranging birds dont get fat, so I've never had a fat chicken.

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