Crazy easy way to make hard boiled eggs

Life finally settled down for me long enough to try this.

I put the water on 'high' to bring to a hard boil, placed 8 eggs from the fridge (not more than a week old at the absolute most) in an open carton on the stove.

When the water came to a full boil, I carefully lowered the eggs in one at a time on a slotted spoon. I had actually turned the heat down a bit (more than I intended), slowing the boil for the first about 6 minutes. When I realized how low the boil was, I bumped the heat back up for the remainder of the 15 minutes. When the timer when off, I set it for 3 minutes more to make up for the slower boil at the start.

Took them right from the boil and poured the water off, refilling immediately with cold water from the tap, replacing twice at approximate 3 minute intervals.

For the most part, they peeled wonderfully. I had two that were reluctant to peel, but I think that was related to the eggs themselves. My green eggs have never boiled well for me, and these two buff orp eggs displayed the same tendancies toward soft whites. (I'm thinking this is related to the density of the shells?)

DD is enjoying a lovely egg salad sandwich as we speak. Gorgeous yellow yolks and all!

So, my final impression? I would absolutely devil these eggs and serve to guests! 6 of the 8 peeled beautifully.

Give your hubster my thanks!!
I hard boiled eggs that had been laid yesterday. I didn't salt the water, but brought it to the boil and lowered the eggs in with a spider (basket). These were jumbo eggs, so I boiled them for 17 minutes at a just below rolling boil. Took them out with the spider and immediately plunged them into an ice water bath. I waited about 15 to 20 minutes and peeled - the peels came off beautifully.
This is just so funny.. but so wonderful. People can laugh all they want, but there is. no doubt, an art to boiling fresh eggs.

I printed out this method and can hardly wait to hard boil some D'uccle eggs for deviled eggs! Last time I wanted hard boiled eggs.. I..ugh... bought some eggs from the store.
This is awesome! I'm glad so many people are having such good luck.

Last night I was wathing Iron Chef USA. I don't remember the challengers name, but she made an awesome egg dish. She soft boiled the eggs, and listen up, she put them in while the water was boiling! (i guess hubby should be an iron chef now LOL) I could swear she was peeling these eggs in her hand right outta the water. Anyway, she took the peeled eggs and coated them in bread crumbs or panko and spices? Then fried them. Egg croqeutes! They looked so yummy. Served over some kinda bean 'cause that was the secret ingredient and truffled ham.

It was a very cool dish, but not cool enough. She lost to Bobby Flay.
I tried this last night and instead of pealing the egg we blew it out of the shell. Like in another post on here a while back and guess what it works. boiled eggs blew right out of the shell and left the whole shell intact. dh was laughing at me for doing it then here he comes in the kitchen and does it his self.
when you start to boil the water put about 3 tablespoons of baking soda in the water. after the eggs are done and cooled (you have to cool immediately) take an egg out put a hole in the top and peal it just a little bit then you get the fat end of the egg and do the same thing but make a bigger hole then you hold the egg put the small end to your mouth hold your other hand out in front to catch the egg and blow in the small end the egg blows out the fat end. I promise I have done it many times there is a link on youtube somewhere I will try to find it for you
here is the link if I can get it right
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