Crazy easy way to make hard boiled eggs

I have used this method several times since the first time and it still works perfect EVERY SINGLE EGG!!!!!!! I have even tried a few just laid!!! I just can't get over how beautiful they are!!!! And (I guess this is from them starting to cook immediately, maybe) the yolks are so much more centered in every egg. My mother has tried it a few times now too and calls me every time gushing over the results. I just can't say thank you enough to you for posting it and your hubby for being the absolute egg god!!!
Yeah!!!! Welcome to the "I can peel an egg club"!!!! I don't know what I would do if I hadn't seen this post. My dogs are upset with me though because they don't get the un-peelables anymore!

I know you have heard this many times before but I tried this and it works great! As a matter of fact, I think I tried everything possible and this is the ONLY thing that worked. I have been recommending this method to all of my friends. Thank you so much for solving what I had thought was an unsurmountable problem! Genie

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