Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

Anyone know why my Cochin Cream crosses have dots on their heads? The hens are a blue or black Cochin, Cream Roo.


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Female Barred Rocks have small/tight white dots on their heads where the boys have more of a diffuse dot, at least in theory. THey are not autosexable--I've seen girls with pretty diffuse dots.

So in yours, perhaps you could see if you can tell a difference between the dots and if there is, mark the chicks and see if that hold true for the mixes!

Congrats on your cuties!
So that's for sure not indicating I have two males, right? I didn't think they'd be sexable, because of the Cochin, so it threw me when they had those clear dots even while wet.

All chicks should be barred in that cross. Males will be single barred making them unreliable to sex by head spots. Had you used barred hens and a non barred rooster you would have sex links where only males would be barred.
Ok, we'll mark them and take close pics of the heads, and see what happens. I plan for a few of these crosses, so tracking sexes is actually pretty smart. Thanks :)
I love see all the different CL crosses! I hatched quite a few CL crosses from eggs that chiqita gave me last spring. She was pretty sure that her CL cock Orlando was the father to all of them. She hadn't separated her flock for breeding and had EEs, FBCM, CLs, BO. (Is that all, Shantih?) I kept the pullets here in town but the cockerels went to the ranch for some freedom before processing. The young boys were in with my friend's layer flock and my hens from my breeding groups (Langshan and SPPR). Before heading to freezer camp, they fertilized some eggs and I hatched some of them. So, I'm guessing that most of them are at least 1/4 CL with Orlando as their granddaddy. My friend has one Barred Rock in her layer flock and I think that she was this little pullet's mama. She looked exactly like a barred rock chick after hatching but grew to look like a BR/CL/ Marans? mix. What do you think?

CL mix is the black chick and the other chicks are Bresse and Pita PInta.

This is what she looks like at close to POL.
I love see all the different CL crosses! I hatched quite a few CL crosses from eggs that chiqita gave me last spring. She was pretty sure that her CL cock Orlando was the father to all of them. She hadn't separated her flock for breeding and had EEs, FBCM, CLs, BO. (Is that all, Shantih?) I kept the pullets here in town but the cockerels went to the ranch for some freedom before processing. The young boys were in with my friend's layer flock and my hens from my breeding groups (Langshan and SPPR). Before heading to freezer camp, they fertilized some eggs and I hatched some of them. So, I'm guessing that most of them are at least 1/4 CL with Orlando as their granddaddy. My friend has one Barred Rock in her layer flock and I think that she was this little pullet's mama. She looked exactly like a barred rock chick after hatching but grew to look like a BR/CL/ Marans? mix. What do you think?

CL mix is the black chick and the other chicks are Bresse and Pita PInta.

This is what she looks like at close to POL.
I would be very curious about the color and production of the eggs.

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