Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

So,here's a question. Is there a way to fatten up our males? I'm obviously going to always have extra males, since we're hatching. And I'm wondering if I feed them separate of the females, can I get some extra weight on them? And everyone is processing around 5 months?
Fermenting feed is amazing all around for health of birds! ;) They say peanut butter is amazing and helps hens lay bigger eggs as well!

Peanuts Make Chickens Lay Bigger Eggs........ Now where do we find cheap peanuts???

When I had goats, wetting their feed with the extra milk seemed to help. While picking up some chickens yesterday, a fellow BYCer told me she gets some extra weight on her young chickens by adding whole grains. I haven't tried this yet.

I have recently changed to Purina Flock Raiser and have noticed that 'maybe' my young roosters don't feel so boney. I butcher them as soon as they start crowing.....meaty or not. We eat a lot of chicken soup!
I did fermented feed for a long time, I stopped for two reasons. One, I got tired of lugging food out to the barn, it was freezing outside so I had to keep it in the house. Number two, my girls stopped laying, except when I switched to Feather Fixer, which has higher protein. But, fermenting the feather fixer stunk so bad, because it already has probios in it.
Anyways, maybe milk and some meat bird feed? Or just the meat bird, and then see how much weight they put on.
I started using FF last fall, but stopped when cold weather came. I may start again this spring..... how do you guys keep the chickens from getting covered by FF? My chickens get it wll over EVERYTHING!

I find that they make less mess if I just dump it on the ground than using all my special hanging or glass containers lol. I also make it more like oatmeal than soup :D
So,here's a question. Is there a way to fatten up our males? I'm obviously going to always have extra males, since we're hatching. And I'm wondering if I feed them separate of the females, can I get some extra weight on them? And everyone is processing around 5 months?
the whole grain game bird feed is often sold as a rooster conditioner

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