Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

Speedy, I had 5 roos out of biel roo x ccl. They all looked the same. Here is a picture of the 1 I kept.

Thanks. The rooster is the same age as the 2 of bielefelders in the photo. I am little surprise... he much more mature and little bigger than the bielefelder. I think he may be cream legbar group A from GFF. Will cross him to my group B hens. I am not big fan of small flighty and crest bird, but do love the nice blue color egg.
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Lovely looking chicks.

Unfortunately I have read many times on here, from people who know and understand genetics much better than I do, that the CL rooster will not pass on sex linked traits in this situation.

The photo's of Peep Shows chicks that I previously referred you to, show chipmunk striping and no head spot at 24 hrs but have large cockerel looking combs in the second set of photos a few weeks later. My two CL x RIR are now 10 weeks and still haven't got combs that big, so I think I've been lucky and got pullets, but I really think you are barking up the wrong tree trying to sex them at hatch. Hope you get lucky too and have mostly pullets though.



Have your pullets laid any eggs yet? If yes, what color?

Hi guys, I need some help determining what rooster/cockerel to keep and which one to cull. I would love to keep both but I live in a busy city neighborhood and even one is hard to get away with.

I am not a genetics expert at all and consider me a novice or having little to no knowlegde.

Objective: Produce some nice Olive eggers with the following characteristics:

a) Nice Olive color (not too dark and not green)
b) Prolific egg layer
c) Lays a large to Jumbo sized egg.
d) Beautiful feather pattern.

For the purpose, the only rooster I had on hand was a CCL (I know people have used a Maran rooster on a CCL hen), so I picked up my most prolific Red Star hen (laid 361 eggs in a year) and also laid a fairly brown colored egg plus the egg size was at the border of large and Jumbo (72-74g)

Now I have their progeny, albeit only 1 who hasn't laid yet but from her body type she looks like her mother when she was that age. She is 19 weeks now so has taken the late laying trait from the father's side.

My question is that what if the eggs she lays are not dark enough for what I am looking for, shall I cross her with her brother with the expectation that not all offsprings will be Olive eggers, some may turn out to be blue or brown.

Or would there be any benefit of crossing her brother back to the mom, again with the possibility of variety of egg colors popping up in the offspring?

What if the egg is too dark for my liking? Shall I cross her back to the CCL rooster? to lighten the egg color?

Based on how these questions are answered, I will determine which rooster to keep out of the two. By the way the CCL x Red Star cockerel has turned out to be very beautiful. I need to take pictures. He does have a lot smaller comb though!
Hi junibutt

My CCLx RIR pullet started laying at 24 weeks and she lays the most beautiful olive green egg. It's better than I could have hoped for. Not dark but almost a pastel olive colour if that makes any sense. Unfortunately I am unable to post a photo. She is a consistent layer and I would say I get an average of about 6 eggs a week. The eggs are medium sized but the best thing about her is her personality. She is by far my friendliest chicken and will follow me around and jump on my knee if I sit down and doesn't mind being picked up at all and I think she is quite pretty as she has a little crest and is chestnut coloured but has a golden collar and very slight barring which really just gives her a textured look rather than being a solid colour.. Sadly her sister has developed paralysis with Marek's disease and whilst I am getting the odd egg from her, it is a paler colour but still pretty. Personality wise she is the same. Perky and confident when handled despite her disability.

I am desperate to breed more of this cross as I love the egg colour and personality but my RIR is not obliging me with any eggs yet. I have slipped one of the olive eggs under my broody though but I'm only 5 days into incubation and she could be mated by her father the CCL or a cockerel that was supposed to be a welsummer but I now think may be a cross breed or brown leghorn. I'm really only keeping him for eye candy as he has the most amazing range of colours. Gold and orange and dark red and black and iridescent green and violet. Anyway, it will be interesting to see what if anything I get from that egg.

Looking at the list of traits you want, you are not very exactling are you!!!

I would aim for one or two of those at the most and anything more that happens by accident is a bonus. My CCL roo is doing a good job and I like all the birds I have bred from him so far and he has passed on the blue egg gene to all. Juvenile roosters are a bit of a pain especially if there is no senior rooster to keep them in their place and since your youngster is a cross breed I would be inclined to keep the CCL daddy, but I would recommend you get a RIR hen and breed that cross, from my experience.


In my opinion, your egg will not end up to dark. However, if it did you could cross her back to another CCL or blue egg rooster and get lighter green eggs.

While you can get an olive egg from a redstar cross, I think you'd be better off getting a Marans hen and crossing her to your CCL. You can also buy hatching eggs to get your own olive eggers. I admire your willingness to try your redstar-ccl cross, but I think you'd be happier with your results if you started with a Marans or Welsummer.
My first autosexing legbar hybrid of the year hatched over night. No pics yet but had to post. I had all of my legbars in a pen with the ambar and a pullet from the ambar with a legbar whos eggs were identical to the legbars. The ambar lays a greenish egg so I know it isn't her and we have no bearded roosters but this chick has a beard/muff and pea comb. At least it is a pullet though...
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My first autosexing legbar hybrid of the year hatched over night. No pics yet but had to post. I had all of my legbars in a pen with the ambar and a pullet from the ambar with a legbar whos eggs were identical to the legbars. The ambar lays a greenish egg so I know it isn't her and we have no bearded roosters but this chick has a beard/muff and pea comb. At least it is a pullet though...
Congrats! Looking forward to the pics.

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