Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

I hatched out a bunch of Cream Legbar X Black Star chicks late last fall. I only kept a few which included a few of the barred chicks but ended up selling all of them except for a pair that had the autosexing pattern as chicks. I wanted to see if this pair passed on the auto sexing trait to their offspring. No eggs yet...but it should be soon. Here is the pair today.


They've changed a lot in just the last few weeks.

This pair as chicks:

The mix:

I've gotten two eggs from this pullet now (amazingly, her comb is now HUGE and flopping over...almost like a leghorn). They were quite large for pullet eggs (probably as big as the biggest Cream Legbar eggs). Unfortunately they are only a very light green. The Black Stars had very dark eggs so I expected very dark green eggs out of this girl. Instead they are hard to tell apart from the Cream Legbar eggs. In the photo they look more blue than they really are. Funny, the blue Cream Legbar eggs look white
in photos but these light green eggs look perfectly blue in this photo but they are really very light green. Sadly, these should be as dark as they get, right, since they are her first eggs?

I've gotten two eggs from this pullet now (amazingly, her comb is now HUGE and flopping over...almost like a leghorn). They were quite large for pullet eggs (probably as big as the biggest Cream Legbar eggs). Unfortunately they are only a very light green. The Black Stars had very dark eggs so I expected very dark green eggs out of this girl. Instead they are hard to tell apart from the Cream Legbar eggs. In the photo they look more blue than they really are. Funny, the blue Cream Legbar eggs look white
in photos but these light green eggs look perfectly blue in this photo but they are really very light green. Sadly, these should be as dark as they get, right, since they are her first eggs?

Seems like your Black Star had some brown diluter genes (just making up the name) in it or some other heritage that expressed itself in the next generation. Are you able to follow up with the ones you sold to see what color eggs they lay?

My Red Star (ISA Brown) laid only a lower shade of dark brown egg but her cross with Legbar resulted in this egg in the middle:

Would any of our esteemed CL genetics folks be willing to answer some general "Cream Legbar Genetics for dummies" questions? In simple language for dummies? Yes like me.


1. If you cross a CL Roo with another breed when would you expect to see (or chances of seeing) white spots on cockerel chicks or chipmunk stripes?

2. Same question but for a CL Hen with another breed? Is it different? Why?

A CL hybrid may be sex-linked but isn't likely to be auto-sexing through the generations, right? Or not?

3. If you cross a CL with a brown egg layer, you'll probably get some shade of green egg? How does that work? Do the egg laying colors combine?

4. If you cross a CL with another blue egg layer like a pure Ameraucana, or an EE hen that lays blue eggs, would you likely see blue eggs?

5. If you cross a CL with a white egg layer, would you expect to see blue eggs? White eggs? Very light blue eggs?

6. What cross would you think would give the deepest blue eggs?

7. Can you recommend a good source for reading about genetics, for non-science majors? In other words, for dummies? :)

Thank you!!!

Would any of our esteemed CL genetics folks be willing to answer some general "Cream Legbar Genetics for dummies" questions? In simple language for dummies? Yes like me.


1. If you cross a CL Roo with another breed when would you expect to see (or chances of seeing) white spots on cockerel chicks or chipmunk stripes?

2. Same question but for a CL Hen with another breed? Is it different? Why?

A CL hybrid may be sex-linked but isn't likely to be auto-sexing through the generations, right? Or not?

3. If you cross a CL with a brown egg layer, you'll probably get some shade of green egg? How does that work? Do the egg laying colors combine?

4. If you cross a CL with another blue egg layer like a pure Ameraucana, or an EE hen that lays blue eggs, would you likely see blue eggs?

5. If you cross a CL with a white egg layer, would you expect to see blue eggs? White eggs? Very light blue eggs?

6. What cross would you think would give the deepest blue eggs?

7. Can you recommend a good source for reading about genetics, for non-science majors? In other words, for dummies? :)

Thank you!!!

I am not a genetic expert but a layman I will answer the questions I can so that you can cut down your questions for the genetics experts:

1. Wait for expert opinion
2. Wait for expert opinion
3. Yes you would get various shades of green or even olive depending upon how brown the original layer's eggs were and how much was the original layer pure for brown genes. But normal rule of thumb is "darker brown will lead to darker green or even Olive eggs. Without going into genetics, here is an explanation:

Egg color is determined by shell color and then a coating of pigment on top of the egg shell. There are only 2 basic shell colors: White and Blue. Brown is just a pigment on top of the shell (it can be scratched off). So if there is a white base with brown pigment, you get a brown egg. However, if you have a blue base with brown pigment coating, you get various shades of green. The darker the pigment, the darker the green.

When you cross a blue layer with brown layer, you are basically crossing a blue gene carrying bird with a white gene carrying bird. and blue is dominant over white. So if you cross a pure blue (like a Legbar) with a pure white (brown layer), all the chicks will lay green eggs (brown pigment over blue).

Here is a very good simple read:

4. Yes to pure Ameraucana, because its supposed to be pure for blue genes. Uncertain for EE because they are mutts and may carry some hidden brown pigment genes that may lead to green eggs in the off-springs.

5. Blue eggs. Wait for expert opinion on the shade of blue.

6. Wait for expert opinion

7. Wait for expert opinion

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