Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

Wow. Those feathered legs are odd. Whoops, just realized I was on the Hybrid page.

Yes they are . I am thinking they came from the Legbar rooster . He never produced white or feather legs with the Legbar hens . I am using 2 of his hybrid cockerels and a couple of hybrid pullets in this pen . My guess is the pullets are now laying so a sibling mating is making the recessives pop out . The crele EE line has never produced white or feather legs . I will have to test mate some to solve the mystery .
Not the right forum but still want to share some pics of my White Sport girl Charlotte. She is 12 weeks now. Some folks have been commenting that she may not lay blue eggs. So I will be anxious for the next 12 weeks.

She looks just like my two legbar hybrids. it was a Lavendar Ameraucana Roo over a Cream Legbar hen. I have two that look the same, just like her, only one is a cockerel and one a pullet
Here is a dumb question - will all hybrids from CLs and brown egg layers lay green or olive eggs?
No is the quick answer.

The offspring have to inherit at least one blue egg shell gene. The brown egg layer will have no blue egg shell genes and the CL may only have one. Offspring that inherit two white egg shell genes will lay a brown egg.

If the CL is double blue than all of the egg will be some shade of green. Remember that brown is a coating over a white egg shell. Green is a coating over a blue egg shell.

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