Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

Black Double Tufted Rumpless Araucana over Crested Cream Legbar Hybrid. Too bad it's a Cockerel. He is handsome though! 4 months old.

With most of my legbar mixes, I can see evidence of barring. I am still learning, but I don't see it here. Would anyone like to educate me?
My rooster was a legbar hybrid. He only had one barring gene, so he passed that on to half of his chicks. Half of his chicks are barred, but it doesn't express itself evenly across the hens. I'm sure it is just a coincidence, but it seems rather odd. Almost all of the chicks from my Ameraucan hen are barred. NONE of the chicks from the Australorp hens are barred. They are all cute though, and half of them have a crest too!
DMRippy as far as I know termed the Sapphires.

Her description is a Cream Legbars rooster over White Leghorn hens. Chicks tend to be white with black specks on them and tge pullets lag the blue eggs.
My Broodies hatched 4 so far.
CLs and CL/EE hybrids.





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