Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

The four chicks do appear to have the auto sexing patterns on them with three having a blond spot on their head diffuse gold/gray down and the other a chipmunk pattern.
They are auto sexing. The cross hen will produce either a green or brown egg, depending on the genes of the hen.
Just in case you couldn't tell which chicks were the Bielefelder Roo X Cream Legbar hen I circled them. They are pretty easy to tell anyway. The other chicks in the photo (other chipmunk striped one is an Iowa Blue) are Iowa Blues and Chantecler (white, buff, and Chante cross chicks).

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Just in case you couldn't tell which chicks were the Bielefelder Roo X Cream Legbar hen I circled them. They are pretty easy to tell anyway. The other chicks in the photo (other chipmunk striped one is an Iowa Blue) are Iowa Blues and Chantecler (white, buff, and Chante cross chicks).
So is that 3 Roos and 1 hen?
Here are 2 of the pullets that possibly laid the egg.

These 2 both have descent crests. Some of the others, look same in appearence and color but; they have smaller to no crests.

Yes, the roos are bigger. I had 5, I killed and ate the oldest 4. I kept the youngest 1 for an emergency backup. If my CL roo died, maybe the cross would carry the blue egg gene.

I took these 2 pictures this morning.

Yes again, the CL cross pullets are bigger than my 2 CL hens.
Thank you for posting your pictures! did your boys and pullet chicks look like mine? The CL hen I have is not crested. My Biele rooster is about 10 lbs. What I am hoping for is not egg color, but a nicer size of CL product. I have a CL rooster over some white leghorns right now. We are going for some Sapphire chicks from that cross so Blue eggs will be in abundance. THe CL hen I have has a "leghorn" comb...droopy and I want to get the combs down for our harsh Michigan winters :)

We got rid of our Bielefelder girls and another rooster because it took forever for the hens to start laying and there was no fertility in the eggs. I know people cut the fluff to assist, but I don't have time for that. Loved their personality, just too much work to get chicks out of them. Our one Biele roo is a gentle giant and the CL hen is his only and favorite girl. I think sometimes he might hurt her since she is lots smaller in size, but we got the four eggs hatched thank goodness.

I feel bad that we will have to take the CL hen away from him for a while so we can get some pure fertile CL eggs for hopefully more hens :)
Hi Candy442!

Yes my chicks looked like yours. Can't see it in the pictures, the rooster has a small crest. The hens lay anywhere from light blue to dark olive in color. The hens body size is that of an average chicken. Body size like a black sex link or something like that. Definately bigger than a CL but not near the size of a Biele.
Hi Candy442!

Yes my chicks looked like yours. Can't see it in the pictures, the rooster has a small crest. The hens lay anywhere from light blue to dark olive in color. The hens body size is that of an average chicken. Body size like a black sex link or something like that. Definately bigger than a CL but not near the size of a Biele.
I was just commenting to my DH last night when he was holding one of the Biele/CL boy chicks I thought I saw a "bump" where the yellow area is on his head? Does the rooster's comb split the crest? Because my CL rooster has what I call "eyebrow" hairs sprouting just underneath his comb :)

So you are saying the cross hens can keep the blue or go olive? Is there a chance they would lay a brown egg? Sorry for all the questions, we are real new at crossing these :)
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