Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

Well, our first "Leggy Legbar" hatched for us this evening! She pipped sometime today while the house was empty, zipped this evening after about 6pm, and was fully out of her shell by 8pm. But so far she's an only child and we're hoping the other 9 remaining eggs will hatch. She's chirping up a storm while she dries in the incubator, so hopefull she'll incourage her sisters and brothers to pip!




So I've got some eggs in the incubator that go on lockdown tomorrow. Out of the 41 eggs that went in 18 days ago about 16 were pure cream legbar eggs from my dad, with the rest being crosses from his CL rooster over 2 ameraucana and one brown leghorn hen. Wouldn't you know it, only 2 of the CL eggs are still viable, and the other 8 viable eggs are the crosses. So, a handful of questions-
1) what color eggs will the brown leghorn cross lay?
2) Does anyone have pics of adult birds of either of these crosses?
3) What creative names has anybody come up with for either of these crosses? I was thinking "Creamycauna" and "Leggy Legbar"

Rose Comb Brown Leghorn/Cream Legbar and her father.

Her one month younger sister

If your eggs came from a Single Comb Brown Leghorn it will look the same but with a single comb instead of the rose comb.
The grandmother a White Laced Red Cornish/Light Brahma cross.

The mother a White Laced Red Cornish/Light Brahma/Swedish Flower Hen cross

The offspring - Cornish/Brahma/SFH/Cream Legbar cross.

Just jumping in here. I have a trio of cream legbars in with a number of other breeds. I'm curious if anyone could show me what their legbars produced when put over cuckoo marans, light brahmas, andalusians, buff orps, or ameraucanas?

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