Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

Thanks Penny enjoyed your reply I posted a request for some good pics of the standard of perfection with arrows pointing to each of the characteristics
that make them perfect hope some one has some
Have a nice nite
I had a weird mutation pop up recently. A few years back when I first got Cream Legbars my birds were young so I put them in with some Black Stars (black sex-link made from crossing a Rhode Island Red rooster with a Barred Plymouth Rock hen). The Cream Legbar cockerel matured early and mated with the Black Star hens and I decided to incubate the eggs to get green egg layers. At some point I crossed one of those resulting roosters with my Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and got a cool looking black laced red hen that layed a ton of big green eggs. I crossed her to a Lavender Orpington rooster to try and get Lavender Laced rose-comb green egg layers in two generations. The first generation were all solid black hens and mostly black roosters with a bit of color. I did a brother/sister mating with those birds and the resulting array of outcomes was pretty interesting. I got a few Lavender Laced birds, some were just Lavender, most were black with the occasional bit of brown and a few were light brown with dark lacing and lots of gold mixed in. Well...the most recent interesting trait I'm assuming is a mutation since I can't see where this would come from...A BLACK COMB! Check this out:
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I had a weird mutation pop up recently. A few years back when I first got Cream Legbars my birds were young so I put them in with some Black Stars (black sex-link made from crossing a Rhode Island Red rooster with a Barred Plymouth Rock hen). The Cream Legbar cockerel matured early and mated with the Black Star hens and I decided to incubate the eggs to get green egg layers. At some point I crossed one of those resulting roosters with my Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and got a cool looking black laced red hen that layed a ton of big green eggs. I crossed her to a Lavender Orpington rooster to try and get Lavender Laced rose-comb green egg layers in two generations. The first generation were all solid black hens and mostly black roosters with a bit of color. I did a brother/sister mating with those birds and the resulting array of outcomes was pretty interesting. I got a few Lavender Laced birds, some were just Lavender, most were black with the occasional bit of brown and a few were light brown with dark lacing and lots of gold mixed in. Well...the most recent interesting trait I'm assuming is a mutation since I can't see where this would come from...A BLACK COMB! Check this out:

That's interesting. You'll have to give us updates as that grows up.
I had a weird mutation pop up recently. A few years back when I first got Cream Legbars my birds were young so I put them in with some Black Stars (black sex-link made from crossing a Rhode Island Red rooster with a Barred Plymouth Rock hen). The Cream Legbar cockerel matured early and mated with the Black Star hens and I decided to incubate the eggs to get green egg layers. At some point I crossed one of those resulting roosters with my Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and got a cool looking black laced red hen that layed a ton of big green eggs. I crossed her to a Lavender Orpington rooster to try and get Lavender Laced rose-comb green egg layers in two generations. The first generation were all solid black hens and mostly black roosters with a bit of color. I did a brother/sister mating with those birds and the resulting array of outcomes was pretty interesting. I got a few Lavender Laced birds, some were just Lavender, most were black with the occasional bit of brown and a few were light brown with dark lacing and lots of gold mixed in. Well...the most recent interesting trait I'm assuming is a mutation since I can't see where this would come from...A BLACK COMB! Check this out:
I bet that came through the blacks . Look up mulberry comb or gypsie face . This pops up in blacks . I have seen in in Old English .
Well here's our CLBxNew Hampshire Red cockerel at almost 2.5 months old. No pic of his sister, but she looks pretty much the same with less comb and wattle. He's a friendly guy, follows us around the yard hoping somebody will throw him something tasty.

CL x New Hampshire Red chicks hatched this morning! Waiting to see if the sole remaining CL egg hatches, plus a couple of Guinea eggs. Got our fingers crossed.
Ok, so I hatched out Crested Cream Legbar rooster over Delaware and Silver Laced Wyandotte. They all have straight comb so I'm wondering if maybe I didn't incubate any Wyandotte eggs.

Anyways, my question is, do you think I have two boys and the rest girls?


My next batch I definitely have both. My CLs aren't laying yet so I'm restoring to hatching some CLxGLW (salmon breasted) bread back to my Cream Legbar rooster.I'm hoping for mint green egg layers. I have the same mix in with my Blue Copper Marans rooster. Which will again suffice until my Cream Legbar hen in his pen starts laying.


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