Cream Legbars in Louisiana

Hi Pam!
Not at this point I don't. I'm so new to chickens I don't think I'm ready for babies hatching. Just want some pretty birds who Lay pretty eggs

FYI just because you have a rooster doesn't mean you will have chicks. Legbars don't go broody at least mine don't. You would have to incubate to have chicks. These roosters are not aggressive. Pam
FYI just because you have a rooster doesn't mean you will have chicks. Legbars don't go broody at least mine don't. You would have to incubate to have chicks. These roosters are not aggressive. Pam

Oh my. Looks like I need to do more reading. But my main purpose is eggs so I'm going to stick with the girls for now
Oh my. Looks like I need to do more reading. But my main purpose is eggs so I'm going to stick with the girls for now

FYI just because you have a rooster doesn't mean you will have chicks. Legbars don't go broody at least mine don't. You would have to incubate to have chicks. These roosters are not aggressive. Pam

Can I ask a dumb question ... I didn't realize that not all chickens have babies if fertilized. Well I guess I didn't realize not all males fertilize female eggs if given the opportunity.
Don't these chickens naturally give birth without incubation and human interaction? Let me say that I only want happy birds so I can have pretty eggs for my family.

EVERYTHING you need to know is in this book! I read it cover to cover before I got my first flock. I keep it on my desk in the She Shed as a reference.

All Roosters will mate unless they have been inbreed to many generations. Most hens have the need to set eggs breed out of them. (set means laying and sitting on eggs till hatching) Their are some breeds that have the tendency to go broody. ( they are broody when the lay a clutch of eggs and stay on them) When a hen is broody It's hard to get them to leave the nest they will hiss and peck at you. In the wild they haven't had the drive to have chicks breed out of them. Out of all my breeds and many years having a flock this is the first time I've had a broody bird. The breed is Sumalters and now 2 are nesting. If you want more info the book is a great Idea. You should check out the La-yers page it's people from louisiana you can lear a lot from them.
Thank you Pam! I'm so going get that book tomorrow lol! I was just reading a hatching thread and there were even more terms I've never heard of. Lol. I just can't wait! My family thinks I'm nuts but my son has been helping me get the coop ready and even though he won't admit it he's just as excited as me. He's 19!
Thank you Pam! I'm so going get that book tomorrow lol! I was just reading a hatching thread and there were even more terms I've never heard of. Lol. I just can't wait! My family thinks I'm nuts but my son has been helping me get the coop ready and even though he won't admit it he's just as excited as me. He's 19!

Chickens are fun He'll be hooked. That thread is Louisiana La-yers on Byc. Pam

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