Cream Legbars

He seems to be missing the chestnut (red/brown) almost completely. this might  be a reason for his light chest and so forth. He does have a bit of crest so Im pretty sure he is carrying blue get genes. Im  thinking he may not be pure though I can't even begin to imagine what he may be mixed with to get such nice other features.
i found this thread that suggests a cross. Will this make the blue gene less effective?
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i do have a 2nd small feeder in the coop that i sometimes put heygates partriddge micro pellets in high protien, should i do this regularly? Im guessing its similar to the game bird crumbles.

Well this rooster is very interesting, in different lights i see different things. He flapped just now he does have black parts to his feathers, im not clued up if this is barring. Ill post pics now

So do i return him or keep him, i want the blue egg gene...
having looked up some images he may very well be pure after all.
having looked up some images he may very well be pure after all. 
why do i always get the uncertain roosters haha. A couple of other opinions would great. Im so confused. Blue gene is all im after, itll be interesting to see the hybrids with my goldlines.
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It looks like some of the 2013 imports to GFF look very similar to this bird. Going by that while he may not be show quality he definitely looks to be a CLB.
Bird is a UK bird so may be related to GFF imports
what is gff? Would have been interesting to see the results of the other lighter cream legbar breeding of the thread i just posted. So if this is related to the 2013 imports, is the blue egg gene still dominant? Any guesses on the resulting hybrids? Crossed with goldlines.
GFF= Green Fire Farms

Blue egg gene should breed through with Gold Legbars which should lay white on their own might lighten the blue in some cases so hard to tell with the roo if he is carrying brown genes too.
Some of the CLB lay a greenish egg so results with the cross may vary.
i do have a 2nd small feeder in the coop that i sometimes put heygates partriddge micro pellets in high protien, should i do this regularly? Im guessing its similar to the game bird crumbles.

Well this rooster is very interesting, in different lights i see different things. He flapped just now he does have black parts to his feathers, im not clued up if this is barring. Ill post pics now

So do i return him or keep him, i want the blue egg gene...

Maybe @KPenley will pop in. Although he is clearly not correct in every respect for the SOP (of either country), I do think his hackle and saddle are cream, especially when you can see it up against the white of his wings. I'm ready to
if @KPenley has better insights

While the pea comb of the Ameraucana is closely tied to the blue egg gene, the single comb is not. It would take 6 to 7 months from now to find out what his offspring are laying to know if he has the blue eggshell gene. And it would be helpful if the hens were white egg layers or specifically "Cream Legbars" that have a nice blue egg. If you have nice looking CL hens for him, then you could also see what happens with the feathers; I know he's not a good choice for a reliable gene pool, but he is an interesting choice =)

Added to say - I keep both feeders up all the time. The rooster usually eats the low calcium crumble and the girls go back and forth. If you have a chance to compare the nutritional list of the micro pellets with your normal layer, just look for a lower calcium content (really low) and a higher protein content (about 20% plus or minus). The main reason I use a crumble vs another pellet is so I can tell them apart =)
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