Critical ill baby, am starting to crack

Have faith, Bigmomma. Children are fighters, small but mighty. Prayers are being sent up for Gaius and for you and your husband.
ThAnk you god for giving me praying partners! Hear us and anoint my little Jaeger! (Mean warrior) only jesus touch on dr hand save my baby. I pray in heavenly name, amen!
I and my little Jaeger at children's hospital. Thank you god he not need tube for breathe! Central line let medicine get right to lung and start drying water out! Is in isolette? Special bed for make air easy for him breathe, and have the temperature of body regulate. He responding well and even give mommy small smile! I only touches thru hole, no pic allowed, for rights of other sick baby in icu. The angels give Gaius fighting spirit. I praying all sick babies here.
Prayers for strength and healing for Gaius, for wisdom for the doctors, and strength and peace for you, bigmomma.

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