Critical ill baby, am starting to crack

He looks beautiful, and if he is feeling better, you must be feeling better too. Prayers for all the babies in the icu and that you all grow healthy and return home soon.

It will be 95° again here today. Hard to imagine flu season starting already, but good to hear the warning.
Have to use padded sheet to move him, his skin is stretched from swelling, he cry cux hurting so. If sick was person, I kill bare hands! The pain he suffer is hardest part to bear now.! :'(
Poor Baby!
Sending even more prayers your way and I hope he feels better soon.
Have to use padded sheet to move him, his skin is stretched from swelling, he cry cux hurting so. If sick was person, I kill bare hands! The pain he suffer is hardest part to bear now.! :'(
Aww bless his little soul, it is so hard to watch one of your children suffer. Dear heavenly Father I come to you today with many of us joined in prayer for Gaius. And you have promised that where two or more gather in prayer that our prayers shall be answered. We lift Gaius up to you Father God, asking for strength, guidance & renewed health for little Gaius. Wrap you merciful arms around him and his loving family in their time of need. We ask that you give wisdom & compassion to the hands of the doctors & nurses working with Gaius. We ask this in Jesus holy name, Amen.
Maybe we all of us that are reading this right now could at 12:30 bow our heads in prayer together. Sending up a unified prayer of healing for little Gaius. That he may have a speedy recovery with no lasting problems. In Jesus name, Amen.
Thanks for the update. Glad to see he's doing better. His poor little body is fighting the best it can, and all that swelling will go down eventually. The body kind of makes that a last priority, seems like. But breathing is good!
How's your husband this morning?
BMomma, I will continue to uphold Gaius in prayer. I'm so glad that he's turned the corner. I know that's just a tiny little comfort, knowing how very sick he still is. But, he is getting better. I praise God for that. May he continue to make improvements hourly. May the swelling quickly subside so he can feel better. May you and your husband receive the support and comfort you need from God's people. You mentioned your pastor. Is he near by, so he can visit you at the hospital???
@bigmomma85 How brave you have been through all of this. God gives us great courage and strength when our little ones need us and strength we never knew we had. Keep holding tight to that little hand. Many here will be keeping Gaius in our prayers. He has touched all of our hearts.
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