Crochet "Chat"

oh! I forgot to ask this in my last post: I need help on gauge please!!! The peach color that I bought for my DD's birthday afghan isn't the same size. It's bigger, so what should I do? For the other two colors, I am using a size I hook. Anyone know what size I should try for the bigger yarn? And how I determine if the gauge is right?
I've never tried to get gauge correct before. I usually stick to the books, and the yarn and hook that they suggest, so this is out of my comfort zone lol

I think I asked this a while back, but either no one answered, or I missed the response
Anyone want my Spring Zombie Cold? I call it that because I feel like a zombie and I know I look like one, or worse. Ugh... th I just hope it goes away in the next day....I have no hope of it lifting before tomorrow.

Oh honey, you just keep getting zapped with all sorts of issues while pregnant. That's the pits! I would tell you to drink some orange juice, but that has too much sugar!
Can you take some extra vitamin c tablets or something? I hope you feel better soon!!

What happens tomorrow Ris? I forgot; is it one of the birthday parties?​
NIce to see ya here Acre!
Us "hookers" have a ton of fun here.
It will be a real hoot when Skand gets back! If you want to learn anything there are tons of crochet videos online. They really helped me!!!! It's like having your own teacher and I just rewind them and do it at my own pace.

We are gettting rain AGAIN!!! I'm beginning to get tired of it!

Been super busy but wanted to stop in and say hi!
You will think this is funny then. My mother taught me to crochet right handed cuz she had no idea how to teach me left handed. It took her and her 2 sisters befor I really got it. The funniest part (for me anyway) is that I have tried to teach my left hand to crochet but it is too hard! Sometimes I get confused and forget that I am really left handed.
I've tried teaching a couple of left-handed girls to crochet. The easiest thing for us was for me to sit across from them so they could mirror what I was doing. Seemed to work, mostly. The fun part was that there's a little bit of a language barrier, since their first language was Hmong!
You will think this is funny then. My mother taught me to crochet right handed cuz she had no idea how to teach me left handed. It took her and her 2 sisters befor I really got it. The funniest part (for me anyway) is that I have tried to teach my left hand to crochet but it is too hard! Sometimes I get confused and forget that I am really left handed. lau

LOL I know what you mean! I do this with the drums! I learned to play left handed bc for some reason when I started learning how to play drums I couldn't keep the steady beat with my right hand, so she switched me to left handed drumming. I'm a right hander. It is nearly impossible for me to try and cross over and play right handed! I dunno lol​
Oh honey, you just keep getting zapped with all sorts of issues while pregnant. That's the pits! I would tell you to drink some orange juice, but that has too much sugar!
Can you take some extra vitamin c tablets or something? I hope you feel better soon!!
What happens tomorrow Ris? I forgot; is it one of the birthday parties?

I am drinking orange juice anyway. heck with 'em.
wink.png nothing happens tomorrow. Fortunately the birthday parties are done, but they are what gave me this cold. I just want it to be gone, that's all. It's on it's way out.
Now I just have to stop waking up at 2AM and staying up for an hour or more before I go back to bed.
Sorry to keep whining at people. bleh.
Hey, Okie, PM me or let us know about your appt today with the diabetes person. Sorry I can't help you with the gauge question, I just usually make things that don't need a gauge because I have never understood it.
SOunds like alot of crochet lessons pass from hooker to hooker in this group! LC, I've never even heard of hmong!!
Yep!!! it sure is. So is blocking. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

..Acre, I think that would translate to - hookin around the block!!!! Hope you feel better Rocket and everyone has a great day
SE - quick Civics lesson - the Hmong people were displaced by the North Vietnamese in the Vietnam "Conflict". Don't know about Fayetteville, but 90% of all the beautiful Asian faces around here are Hmong. Most of them consider themselves to be American, even though a lot of the older ones have refugee status. Our Hmong population at my school is nearly as large as the African-Americans, and much bigger than the Latinos. Our crochet club is mostly made up of Hmong girls. Getting to know them & their culture is a neat experience!

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