Crochet "Chat"

Jen, thank you so much for sharing the link for your pattern.
How exciting!!!!!! I'm going to try that after I can get to the store and pick up more hooks. Oh boy...must stay focused...must finish already started projects.
I don't know what happened to all my hooks. I specifically bought a little zipper pouch to put them in so I wouldn't lose them, but all I can find are many H and one F. Your bread sounds sooooo yummy!!!! I may have to get the recipe from you later.
This is from the Coats and Clark Free Website: Same pattern.

Follow the directions for where it says POTHOLDER. After you fasten off...your square 1 is finished.

SB149-004 Potholder
Potholder measures 9" x 9".
Crème de la Crème™: 1 Ball solid color; 2 Balls variegated.
Crochet Hook: 5mm [US H-8]. Yarn needle.
GAUGE: Rnds 1-2 = 2 3/4" across. Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.
POTHOLDER (Make 2)-Rnd 1: Ch 4; (2 dc, ch 2, [3 dc, ch 2] 3 times ) all in 4th ch from hook; join with a sl st to top of beg ch. Rnds 2-7: Ch 3, dc in each dc around and work (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in each corner sp; join to top of ch-3. Fasten off.
With wrong sides together, matching st for st, attach yarn in corner; ch 1, sc through both layers in each st around; join to first sc; ch 10 for hanging lp, sl st in joining, sl st in each ch of ch-10. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
ABBREVIATIONS: ch = chain; dc = double crochet; mm = millimeters; rep = repeat; sc = single crochet; sl = slip; st = stitch; * or ** = repeat whatever follows the * or ** as indicated.
2007 Coats & Clark, P.O. Box 12229, Greenville, SC 29612-0229
FREE patterns at
Thanks you so much Tammy for posting another great pattern link!
I've really missed my crochet chat. Ok, need to go check on my freezing chickens and get a little house work done, so I can relax later and TRY to finish some of unfinished started projects. LOL!!!! Today is the last day to relax of the holiday, b/c dd goes back to school tomorrow, but really need to get a little order back to the house. Everyone stay warm and I'll check in later this afternoon. Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Jen, I always thought you were supposed to keep your UFO's stashed...not out in the open where everyone could see & tsk, tsk you for them

Maj, do you have problems with your fingers slipping through those holes in the potholders when you use them?
Nope. You do two of them, place them back to back and then finish so they are heavy. Oh and I only use the Lily's Sugar n Cream Cotton Yarn for them. That yarn has more substance.

Take a couple of minutes and whip up a square. The holes aren't that big either.
I have things I haven't finished also. I say someday.....I think we all have it in our blood to procrastinate for want of a better word. Looks like everyone is getting back on line after the holidays. Anyone heard anything about the hexagon swap? I forgot all about it until just a minute ago. I did finally finish a quilt three years ago that I started back in 1980. My daughter in NC wanted it since she watched the start of it....a grandmothers flower garden stitched and quilted by hand, from scraps from mateial I used to make them clothing. She wanted me to will it to her but when I went back for my granddaughters wedding I gave it to her. Still working on a baby afghan I started before Christmas. Hi kgee!
I finally got back to crochet over the break, and learned to read a pattern! yay!
i had a lot of free time so i made:
a pair of ruffled baby booties
a pair of sneaker shaped booties
2 baby hats
an amigurumi cat
a hat for my dad
part of a scarf
a small lace doily (those itty bitty needles are aggravating to learn how to use!)
and i also learned some pattern stitches and started helping my little sister learn.
Everyone i'm so sorry that the SS was a flop this year!!! i just dont understand what is wrong with people these days!!! i feel really bad about it all too!!! well my hands have been busy crocheting away as well as knitting...heres a few things that i have done...HI KGEE!!!!!

puff stitch hat

baby hat and sweater

chicken doll
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Happy New Year everyone!!!

I hope everyone had a great Holiday Season!
We had a blizzard on Christmas Eve!
That NEVER happens here! We still have snow on the ground! That may be old hat to some of you guys, but to us, it's soooo strange! Normally it snows and then melts the next day! It was absolutely beautiful, it was great to wake up with a white Christmas.

I'm still working on an afghan for dd. I decided to give up on the rag quilt look pattern that Scrambled gave me. With the yarn I bought, it is just too much of a pain in the rear to tell if I am getting it right. I am going to go ahead and make an afghan using that pattern, just not with super hard to work with, super fluffy yarn. I'll use something where I can see my stitches.

So I am undoing all of the squares I have already made, and just doing a row of 130 or 140 or so in half double crochet. I'll post pics of it, when I get a little bit more done.

One of my goals this year is to finish my UFO's. I have SO many! The ratio of UFO's to finished products is just ridiculous.
It just seems that I keep starting and starting them LOL

Slow and steady wins the race right?

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