Crochet "Chat"

I love it!!!!! How many squares did you need? I definitely want to try that pattern soon.
I love the afghan pattern. What bright colors. When I run out of yarn I have to drive either 76 miles or 89 miles one way depending on whether I drive south or west. We usually drive west so we can visit DH daughter at the same time. We can't go that way if it's raining in winter though because that means it's snowing through the pass and we might get stranded. Have any of you seen zebra finches? Well I have a pair and they just hatched four babies and three of them are pure white. That's very unusual. Oh1 I just crocheted two of the scrubbies made out of netting. Have any of you ever done them? I can make 3 of them for $.77 because that's what a yard of netting costs at Walmart.
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I have known how to crochet for 20+ years but have only recently started doing it seriously. This is the perfect weather for this craft, especially if you are making blankets or throws. I have one afgan I am working on (no rush, just for fun) and I have made some toys for my kids. One was a Mario Bros mushroom and the other was a poop (it's quite cute actually). I think crocheting has been my new found love, next to chickens
We're all friendly here so welcome. I've been crocheting for over 50 years and I love it. I've crocheted just about everything and my "biggie" was a canopy for my step mom's bed which I did almost 30 years ago. I have it now as well as the bed it was made for since she had to go into a nursing home a few years back. I haven't been on this for very long but everyone is friendly. I'm sure others will welcome you also.
Well here I am. Trying once again to learn to crochet. I'm tired of saying.. "I'm yarn challenged." I've tried to learn many many times to no avail... we'll see if it sticks this time. I made my chain, single crocheted all the way back down, made the turn around.. and then.. bah! My stitches were too tight to be able to go back... Oh I could turnaround ok.. but there was no getting the crochet hook into that impenetrable mass. I'm thinking of selling my secret to NASA as a new reentry cover for the space shuttle.
My SNOW DAYS ALBUM on facebook... Schools already called off for tomorrow.

baustin wrote: I love the afghan pattern. What bright colors.

Thank you... i love these bright colors, but sometimes it does hurt my eyes to look at them, lol​
I have a question. I have been crocheting using alot of continuing rounds. I use a piece of scap yarn to mark my rows. It's a pain as the yarn keeps fraying. Has anyone used those little plastic place markers and do you like using them?

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